קצת רכילות

dilan angel

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Ok, there have been a lot of rumors about Gwen recently. I've been hesitant to post about them, for various reasons- mainly out of respect for Gwen. But I know that some things are not true, and I feel it's my duty to make sure people know the truth. (Or at least the people that come to this site.) The latest is that Gavin recently found out that he has a daughter. This is true. They found out around the time of the filming of Gwen's video, or shortly after. Apparently, some of the "finer" news establishments are stating that Gavin cheated on Gwen with the girl's mother. That is not true. Gavin would not have even known Gwen when the girl was born. Gwen and Gavin have been trying for a baby. So obviously Gwen is upset. She's wanted a baby with Gavin, and now she finds out he has a child already. Put yourself in her place. As far as the "eating disorder" rumors go-they are not true. Gwen has been stressed about her side project, and now about this new bit of information she's learned. She's lost some weight because of THIS. So all in all, Gwen's pretty bummed/stressed right now. And having all that crap in the tabloids doesn't help, I'm sure. So now you know. If you see any of these false rumors going around, make sure to let the truth be known and back Gwen up. And show Gwen some love by voting for WYWF on TRL! We love you, Gwen! תירגום קצר
לאחרונה מופצות שמעות בכל מקום שגאוין גילה שיש לו בת שהוא לא ידע עליה עד כה. השמועות אומרות שגאוין בגד בגוון בזמן שהיו נשואים וכפי שאתם יועים הילדה היא התוצאה מכל זה .. אבריטניג יו ריד איז קראאאאאאפ
גוון בלחץ מהשמועות האלה והיא חוששת שזה יפגע בה ובייחצנות של האלבום.. האמת היא ששום דבר כזה לא היה ונברא

dilan angel

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שזה ממש לא מעניין אבל אין כרגע עדכונים על נו דאוט (כמובן) או על גוון.. תצטרכו להסתפק ברכילות מטופשת

Grey Faerie

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