Ana Lyn Newkirk
New member
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17.3.06 Melanie would like to make it clear that she has not given an 'exclusive' or 'rate' intreview to Now Magazine. She is disgusted that they have misrepresented her in this way. The opening paragraph is totally misleading and inaccurate-as Melanie has already stated, she and Tom are still very much together. Although the interview was given to a journalist in Europe and taken from an agency, Now Magazine have cjosen to totally misinterpret the sentiment of that interview when writing their opening paragraphs and headlines. סורי על זה שלא תרגמתי, פשוט האנגלית שלי ממש כושלת
לא רציתי להטעות אתכם בפרט כזה או אחר
17.3.06 Melanie would like to make it clear that she has not given an 'exclusive' or 'rate' intreview to Now Magazine. She is disgusted that they have misrepresented her in this way. The opening paragraph is totally misleading and inaccurate-as Melanie has already stated, she and Tom are still very much together. Although the interview was given to a journalist in Europe and taken from an agency, Now Magazine have cjosen to totally misinterpret the sentiment of that interview when writing their opening paragraphs and headlines. סורי על זה שלא תרגמתי, פשוט האנגלית שלי ממש כושלת