היום יומולדת לפיל!

The Wonder Boy

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../images/Emo77.gif היום יומולדת לפיל! ../images/Emo77.gif

אממ.. מזל טוב פיל! (כן, כן, זה פיל, רק עם שיער. היסטורי.)


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תודה ל- the wonder boy ../images/Emo140.gif

תודה על 2 הכתבות/ראיונות !!! ומזל טוב לפיל...בן 35 הזקן...

Major Thom

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וכהמשך לחגיגות היומולדת של פיל ../images/Emo77.gif

מבחר ציטוטים משעשעים יותר או פחות. של פיל, כמובן
"The best thing about Jonny is that he´s extremely funny... He usually costs less than a video. The only problem is you can´t take him back to the shop when you´re sick of him." [on recording Bulletproof] "Did the drum take after a five mile run - it shows." [on the fan club] "It´s really touching. They only do it beacuse they don´t like anyone to feel left out. We had dinner, they all gave me little presents, and then we played party games." "Isn´t it nice to read the reviews and the cover stories you always dreamt about? Yeah, but you dream about good pictures of yourselves as well." [on recording Just] "My favourite drum take on the album. Combination of sound rock and sassy grooves.. Well, I can dream, anyway." "Hi. My name is Philip and I have a sugar problem." "Anyway, when this tour is over, I´m checking into the Nutrasweet rehab centre. Just remember: sweets - just say no." "My reflex action is to stick my tongue out - not in a Gene Simmons, foot on the monitor way, but in a having difficulty with tricky arithmetic type way. Consequently, I have a saliva rash on my lower lip when I come offstage." "I like Glastonbury out of all the festivals, cuz there´s a sense of it being an event, and the music is secondary to that." בברכת מזל טוב לפיל, Major Thom.

power play

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