aliah now...


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../images/Emo92.gifaliah now...

I´m a 23,brazilian sionist girl and now that I´m almost graduating in Business Idecided do what I always wanted... make alyah. I´ve already been in Israel and I know things will not be easy in the beginning because I´m coming alone and because if I come to Israel my parents who are jews, and decided they don´t want me to go..they are afraid about my security, doný want me to go.. blah, blah, blah will not give me any suport. ´How much money should I bring with me (minimum) to have a simple life, in a kibutz, working as anything..(on the beginning) I want to know how is the absorcion program going now that Israel is passing under these bad economic moment. Shalom, Simone


New member
A brave Decision

Hi Simone From what you wrote it is important to know more details about you. your previous times you spent in Israel etc. In general when you make Aliyah, you receive "Sal Klita" to help you manage during the first six monthes in Israel. i mean money... But - It is important for you to check out your official status. you can do that by contacting your "Aliyah Shaliach" - the jewish agency office - tell me - where in Brazil are you from? i will get you the Phone number of the Shaliach. good luck


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Who is the boss?../images/Emo104.gif

There is a big question being asked in Israel, one that I believe is not being asked enough in the right places too. Who is the TRUE Palestinian leader? On Tuesday Mr. Abu Mazen quit as deputy head of the Fatah Central Committee. Many at first believed that he had resigned as Prime Minister and there was a big noise. Then, PLO leader, Mr. Arafat, was trying to relieve the Palestinian Minister of Security, Mr.Dahlan of some of his responsibilities. Mr. Arafat was quoted as saying that he appointed them, (PM Abu Mazen, and Dahlan), he authorized their meetings with the Israelis, and he can thus authorize what they can and cannot do. More criticism of Abbas emanated from Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat himself on Thursday Arafat accused the Palestinian premier of betraying the interests of the Palestinian people. Arafat's comments were made during his meeting with UN envoy Terje Larsen. Abu Mazen is behaving like a tyro who doesn't know what he is doing, Arafat said. On the Israeli side, even the most skeptical politicians are claiming to see a bit of sincerity in the desire to reach a peaceful agreement with Israel of PM Abu Mazen and his head of Security, Mr. Dahlan, but if they are not able to make the decisions and are being manipulated behind the scenes by Mr. Arafat and his group of bandits, then what chance do we have for a peaceful outcome? PM Sharon left today for a trip to Europe to try to convince the Europeans that enough is enough and they have to stop backing Yasser Arafat and to start backing Mr. Abu Mazen. Time will tell if he succeeds. When PM Sharon returns, he is to meet with PM Abu Mazen and the topics of discussion are to be the release of prisoners and the handing over of more control to the Palestinians. Written by David Singer Http://


New member
I know how you feel

I am going through the very same problem, also your age and also without the help and support of any of my family members, but I would at least bring enough money ot support myself for a minumum of 6months to possibly a year if I were you. hope to see you here soon.