Iranian Nuclear Umrella for terror
The terrorists groups who are waiting for the Iranian Atomic Bomb (The Iranian Nuclear Bomb Umrella for Terror activies) to : Charles Krauthammer, foxnews (and the rest of foxnews panel) copy: Dick Cheny One of the resons there is a need to ``take out`` the iranian nuclear bomb is that many terrorists groups who are being sponsered by Iran are waiting for ``The day of the bomb``. The ``Sunni block`` in the middleast (i.e: saudi arabia) are afraid od the Iranian nuclear bomb as well- because they might use it against the sunni countries, but even if they do not use ``the nuclear shiah fanatic bomb`` - will be used by Iran to portaray the fact that they have ``the bomb`` in order to conduct terror all over the mideast without interference , including in the sunni block countries(such as saudi arabia) - in order to ``distebalize`` the regimes in saudi arabia and else where. They will do so , that is to say, conduct terror activities to distablize saudi arebia and else where - knowing the saudis and the the rest of the ``sunni block`` will not be able to respond to their terror activies - and to defend themseves from the Iranians - because the iranians have a nuclear you better suffer from iranian terror then get an atomic bomb on your head.. this will leave ``the sunnni block`` volneable to endless terror activities that are ment to disstablize their regimes (as well as the nuclear threat itself). Yassar Araffat has waited for the Iranian nuclear bomb, in order to be able to continue to threaten Israel and Jorden with their territories (that he wished to own). The only way you can establish a viable palestinian stae, is to take away the nuclear bomb from Iran - to let the palestinian such as Hammas etc. to understand that they need to share the land with the Israelis and the Jordanians - and not to continue in an endless war of terror under ``Iranian Nuclear bomb Umbrella for terror activites`` They wanna use diplomecy to ``drag`` the time , while talking to the diplomats, in order to get to the nuclear bomb.
The terrorists groups who are waiting for the Iranian Atomic Bomb (The Iranian Nuclear Bomb Umrella for Terror activies) to : Charles Krauthammer, foxnews (and the rest of foxnews panel) copy: Dick Cheny One of the resons there is a need to ``take out`` the iranian nuclear bomb is that many terrorists groups who are being sponsered by Iran are waiting for ``The day of the bomb``. The ``Sunni block`` in the middleast (i.e: saudi arabia) are afraid od the Iranian nuclear bomb as well- because they might use it against the sunni countries, but even if they do not use ``the nuclear shiah fanatic bomb`` - will be used by Iran to portaray the fact that they have ``the bomb`` in order to conduct terror all over the mideast without interference , including in the sunni block countries(such as saudi arabia) - in order to ``distebalize`` the regimes in saudi arabia and else where. They will do so , that is to say, conduct terror activities to distablize saudi arebia and else where - knowing the saudis and the the rest of the ``sunni block`` will not be able to respond to their terror activies - and to defend themseves from the Iranians - because the iranians have a nuclear you better suffer from iranian terror then get an atomic bomb on your head.. this will leave ``the sunnni block`` volneable to endless terror activities that are ment to disstablize their regimes (as well as the nuclear threat itself). Yassar Araffat has waited for the Iranian nuclear bomb, in order to be able to continue to threaten Israel and Jorden with their territories (that he wished to own). The only way you can establish a viable palestinian stae, is to take away the nuclear bomb from Iran - to let the palestinian such as Hammas etc. to understand that they need to share the land with the Israelis and the Jordanians - and not to continue in an endless war of terror under ``Iranian Nuclear bomb Umbrella for terror activites`` They wanna use diplomecy to ``drag`` the time , while talking to the diplomats, in order to get to the nuclear bomb.