Israel is a nice little country.


New member
Well said! but is that true?

Yes, that's what they all said. But many are sinners, and sinners always break convenant with Jesus, God of the Christians. The Predators of the Christian faith has slaughtered innocents Indians, stolen their ornament (no value to the South American but treated as treasures to the Spaniards!), murders nomads in North American plains, enslaved Negroes into the New Lands. The Predators took tithes, tax the ignorant to enrich themselves in the temples, they misuse Jesus, their God, teaching to be merciful and heaped untruths and burnt innocents on stakes! So what is it that you mean, Mr. Chaim!


New member
There are many ways to reach home!

Agreed Mr. Chaim. You must also realize that "there are many ways" to reach home. The Asiatics believes in Gods, Angels, Sages and by observing the 5 elements, and paying attention; we can reach home and not go astray! The people of the book decided on discourse on written notes as one of their ways but their NUTS used only that single way which prevents the observance of the 5 elements. Europeans and Asiatics follows the philosophy of the Western culture - Greeks, and the Chinese guide them and to enjoy life! In fact the Chinese and Europeans has many similar traits, like Skilled workers, traders etc....Shucmaker - shoe maker etc....while the Chinese choose names of families but had trades association with their sages treated as gods! (gifts of skills from founders of the trade!) But Jews will go to Europe and spit at the system; find revolutionary new ideas which eventually comes to mean that they be on top! This is the problem! and what joy we had with the Jokers! without such interference, we would not have the many WARS, intra tribal killings, excessive greed due to envy etc. etc. You have to understand the "Code of Life" to keep the peace! but that's is quite difficult - and we go into cycles of peace and violence!


New member
Totally agree with Mr. Moshe!

This is an open forum. As long the participant does not preach intolerance, hate, or preach rival "way of life", it really does not matter. I apologize if the Jewish Agency feel "small" because of my rather direct way of "seeing things". I think Jews should learnt to be tolerant just as Jews wants other to be tolerant towards it. A calm Israel is what we need. I have seen the knesset in TV pictures and i also see the same IDOL, "There are many ways" - the message left behind by Israelite forefathers. C.T. Kong Chief Information Officer Tao organization. (or Syariah organization - in Arabic) Peace to Israel! There is no much time left to Armegeddon! Take care!


New member
When Israel is calmer!

And When the Malaysian government choose to reestablish diplomatic relationships,then the Jews and the converts in Malaysia -( who wished to make aliyah); aliyah becomes a possibility. So, I have great interest to visit Israel and to see the living conditions there. If country is pleasant, and condition calm...aliyah would be uppermost! So peace in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank must be uppermost. There is also a big possibility (predicted by a prophet) of WAR in middle east either by Terrorist or by American responding in Middle East over an attack in America or New York! We do our little bit to make aliyah possible for all Jews around the world!


New member
Israel is a nice little country.

If we can only solve the "bloody intifada"; Israel will be a nice country to live in. I have seen the pictures by Nassiya, Car prices are cheap, electronic etc. seem to be price a bit higher but affordable. I am sure there must be a lot of schools in Israel, including technical institutes, polytechnics, and universities. The use of Hebrew could be a problem, but perhap English must be widely spoken and understood. I have been to America, Australia, Europe; I know it is hard to be a Jewish person - what with the ridicule and contempt by the Christians Anglo's. Those people just forgot that Jesus was also a Jew, that their God was a Jew! Stay in there people, presevere but please do solve the Palestinian problem, it will haunt you guys for a long time to the inadvertantly final solution, a nuke from Pakistan or Iran! The prophecy by a Jewish brother is already so clear in the "Bible Code". Take care people, solve the Phillistine problem!


New member
Let me crack the "We" joke.

We as in "Angels and Jokers". Have a nice day! Dont look too much into this post. It is just for fun. "Aliyah"ing is fun for Israelites. It is only when they have their own country will the "ridicule" heaped upon them by Anglo's will finally end. But can we solve the Phillistines. Running back from one heap of "ridicule" and into "another". That's not my idea of having "fun"!