its a bit useless
to ask for positive recomendation for a skira. And I will explain why. You can pretend to be a Dr., without going to the university for one day, and quite qiuckly learn how to operate an US machine, and work as a sonographist and make millions. Since defects in babys are quite rare, you can work for a long time, always saying that everythin is o.k, and nobody will findout about it .... So, how meaningfull is a recomenation like " I went to him and he was very good" ? how can we actually judge ? Unfortanatly, opinions like " he is a nice person" arn not very helpfull. You should read like " I have no tools to know how is he profisionally, but he is a nice person", being nice is definatly a plus, but is it the most important thing when tying to make sure that our babies are o.k? I would listen to a recomendation like " my Dr. recomended me to go to ..." much more seriosly then to " I wento to .... and he was nice" Regards, Shumit
to ask for positive recomendation for a skira. And I will explain why. You can pretend to be a Dr., without going to the university for one day, and quite qiuckly learn how to operate an US machine, and work as a sonographist and make millions. Since defects in babys are quite rare, you can work for a long time, always saying that everythin is o.k, and nobody will findout about it .... So, how meaningfull is a recomenation like " I went to him and he was very good" ? how can we actually judge ? Unfortanatly, opinions like " he is a nice person" arn not very helpfull. You should read like " I have no tools to know how is he profisionally, but he is a nice person", being nice is definatly a plus, but is it the most important thing when tying to make sure that our babies are o.k? I would listen to a recomendation like " my Dr. recomended me to go to ..." much more seriosly then to " I wento to .... and he was nice" Regards, Shumit