Jew or not?

God is great

New member
Hello Mark,

thank you for your clear answer. English isn´t my native language, so I wondered about the meaning of "stated" and "eloquently" in that connection. Could you please answer my second question? My sister has now no religion (and she hates me very much because I belief in the Lord), furthermore it´s for her health to cold here. I read the Law of Return, I think it depends on the religion of our grandmother and my sister has to declare herself jewish. Our grandmother has been jewish until she has been about twentyfive years. She has not married jewish. We are German, this would have been probably her latest day. It is for me a real wonder, that my grandmother could give my mother live and hasn´t been murdered. God is so great!

God is great

New member
Hello P2P, hello Elana,

thank you very much for your answers. I´ve learnd a lot in the last week about my identity. Elana, thank you, you explained me the sense of the Law of Return. I think this Law is very good. If my sisters wants to go to Israel, she can turn to Judaism and then go to Israel. She didn´t learn Judaism from our Grandmother. For myself, the Law of Return tells me not to be Jewish in the sense of this Law. That´s okay for me. I know that I´m Jewish, because my mother, my grandmother and so on has been Jewish. That my mother, my grandmother and myself are believers in the Lord doesn´t matter in this point. We don´t have the Jewish religion like an orthodox Jew but we are Jewish by birth. I learned also a lot of the opinion of the orthodox Jews about the messianic. I think there are a lot of misunderstandings. I learned they are afraid of mission, because they think the Jewish identity may perish. For one hand I think that is true, and therefore it is for me okay if I can´t settle in Israel. But we messianic Jews (about 100.000 in the world) are part of the nation and God will realize His plans. God bless you

God is great

New member
Jew or not?

The parents of my grandmother has been jewish. This is the line of my mother. I´m a newborn christian, and I love Israel. Do I can get an Israelien? Or my sister, she´s no christian?