Jewish at Heart


New member

Thank You So Much For this helpful note. Frankly, I don't believe I have a year to wait around, because the Bush plan is marching along, and Martial Law may be declared this Fall: but I suppose I could join a Jewish community as you say in S. America, as there are Jewish communities throughout the Latin countries also. My husband is Ecuadorian, and he is also highly attracted to Jewish ways and customs. But, if I understand correctly, he would be eligible for Aliyah once I had joined first, or, perhaps we could join together (more logical). I am leaving the U.S. very soon in order to be re-united with him (I came up to see family, but he does not have a visa to come to the U.S., and now I'm glad we didn't go to all the trouble and expense) before Bush puts the final clinch and closes down the borders. Thank You again for the helpful information -- if you think of anything else to tell me, please feel free to add it on. Sincerely Yours for Truth and Liberty, Reina

Bethany COLO

New member
Please return to Earth first.

Best wishes for whatever decisions you make, but try to base your decisions on reality and not fantasies, if possible. It will make your decisions much more sound. Bush is not about to throw 300 million people under house arrest (or whatever), if this is what worries you. Please come back to our planet. Best wishes.


New member
Jewish at Heart

Dear Folks, I keep the Levitical dietary laws, and my four boys have each been circumcised on the 8th day. I love Israel, her Awesome God, and the Hebrew people with all my heart. I wish there were some way I could find out if I have Abrahamic blood in my line, but I have very little hope of being able to trace my lines properly. Anyway, I would love to go to Israel, and I would like to know if I can go as a "Jew Wannabe", or if I can go as a tourist. If as a tourist, would I need a visa? One of my cousins has moved there years ago and married an Israelitess. He is naturalized, so I wonder if I could claim Israelite citizenship through him. All the info on my case is welcome, and I eagerly await responses to this burning querie. For any who are interested in info on what is happening in this country (U.S.) and all Jews need to HURRY to Israel, see the link below and take in a lot of meaty knowledge before it is taken off the internet -- who knows how long this sort of thing will be allowed to remain on-line ...? May the God of Abraham, Jhvh-Jireh, Bless You All! Reina