jobs in Jerusalem


New member
just temp.

i just need something to do while im in ulpan at Hebrew U waiting to get into the army...anything will do.


New member
Hi Yaakov-staying silent

well, as you've noticed, English is not my first language. So, as an Israeli, without eastern European roots - those words are considered to be not nice. My remark was general for the whole correspondence - i just want to keep this board as friendly as can be - that's all. Sometimes, when we are attacked it is natural to respond, sometimes with a lot of passion. So, let us all keep writing to one another calmly. Odelia


New member
Rude ???

Hi yaakov, Sorry if I wasnt specific enough. I used to work for Bezeq online where we were doing telemarketing to the UK. Many peopel I worked with came from CSM as they sell similar services. Anyways, the horror stories, range from being duped on pay, terrible management, and even a pending lawsuit. If you want to work there be my guest. This is some info that I heard and I thinks its our(olim) job to let peopel know whats up. Ans yes our center was closed down we were all fired with no notice and it all could have been prevented. By the way, you should really speak to people nicer, especially soemone who is taking their time to respond to your emails. Have a nice day, Irena


New member
Rude ???

Hi yaakov, Sorry if I wasnt specific enough. I used to work for Bezeq online where we were doing telemarketing to the UK. Many peopel I worked with came from CSM as they sell similar services. Anyways, the horror stories, range from being duped on pay, terrible management, and even a pending lawsuit. If you want to work there be my guest. This is some info that I heard and I thinks its our(olim) job to let peopel know whats up. Ans yes our center was closed down we were all fired with no notice and it all could have been prevented. By the way, you should really speak to people nicer, especially soemone who is taking their time to respond to your emails. Have a nice day, Irena


New member
jobs in Jerusalem

I am 17 years old and I am making aliyah. What kind of job opportunities are there in Jerusalem for someone with moderate Hebrew and perfect English?


New member
calling names in the forum../images/Emo31.gif

The language below is not appropriate in this forum. I do not want to delete the whole correspondence because it's got a valuable link and answer at the end of it – but even though someone makes you mad, it is better to ignore rude and ignorance that to start calling names to each other – that doesn't get us anywhere as we can very well see all around us in everyday life in Israel. Thank you for your patience.