Jobs in the Food Industry


New member
food service is very hard to get in

I was told by a local Shaliach that food service is very hard to get into. I was in food service for 15 years and the rule of thumb is 1/3 the cost of a meal is labor. So the pay may not be so great, unless you are working for a major hotel chain and even then you have the ups and downs of the tourist industry. Hotels are very hard to work for. Check to local unions.


New member
The tourist industry, West Bank.

You could try to work as a chef in the West Bank. We have a lot of tourist sites, like the "Dead Sea", Jurusalem, so many many holy sites. If we have peace in Israel, we can "aliyah" back to Israel and make mega bucks just "feeding" and housing the visitors to the holy lands! Pay as cooks can be very high in pilgrimage and tourist sites. In tourist centres like Hong Kong, pay for a Chef is in the region of US$120,000 a year! Do you have catering training? like Sous Chef, Pastry chef, etc. You'll need to learn a skill first before you can work in such places! Maybe do your own business eventually in the holy sites!


New member
Hi Sarah!

Actually I am only a good cook! That's all! And i am a glutton who loves to eat all over the world. Just trying to give you an idea of "being your own boss!" I am more experienced in Textiles and Garment industry. That's why i told you to take advantage of the "Cheap Labour" in the West Bank. But you got to be very careful working with fellow Jews in Europe or New York.....they drive hard bargains and give tough conditions. In all trades, you'll need a good teacher. That's why i ask whether you are a trained person. Are you a good apperentice?


New member
Jobs in the Food Industry

I am looking to break into the high end food industry. For example the fancier hotels or restaurants. I am also interested in the hospitality and guest services end of the hotel industry. I am eager to meet people with similar interests or careers.


New member
Cheap labour in West Bank.

Sarah, i have another good idea. You could make MEGA BUCKS setting up joint venture with local unemployed Arabs doing GARMENT Assembly. If you could speak in Arabic, you could probably get contacts with Israelite Bedouins who could help set up SEWING OPERATIONS in the WEST Bank. Work with buyers in London, New York and fabrics from Turkey, Isreal, or India. Maybe garment industry is a good place to look!


New member
Sarah, you are on right spot!

Food industry is a good place to start. Afterall it is something most people can do and sufficient concentrated effort can create "divine" experience. Maybe we can help solve the Intifada problem in Israel by starting such simple business with trainee Phillistine Arabs in Israel proper and make them partners in the West Bank and Gaza. Every Israelite can help to solve so that we can all "aliyah" back to the promised land. I supposed we just got to look at the "object of prayer" at our synagoque to get inspiration. It has been there for ages! Cheerios!