Judo European Championships on Totallympics

Judo European Championships on Totallympics

Congratulations for the great permormance by Israel in Judo European Championships, and a big good luck for London 2012 :)

If you support Israel in every single sport, you can join us on Totallympics, the home of Olympic sports, where sport fans from all around the world can discuss about all sports in the Road to London 2012 and be always updated about all sport events, never missing any ISR athlete or team result :)

If you are interested to take part, the name of the forum is Totallympics. For example, here is the thread about Judo European Championships 2012, with all results and comments: http://www.totallympics.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2159

It would really be nice to have some more Israel's representation :)

See you on Totallympics !