just discovered this site
Hi, I'm a 22 year old student, was thinking of going in May or soon thereafter upon finishing my undergrad studies. I've little or no money/work experience. Any useful advice? What kind of work could I hope to find realistically? What kind of assistance could I hope for in terms of ticket costs, housing, etc? What exactly would the deal be with my army service, and if I wanted to attend an Ulpan, would this be free? Also, what documents does one need? Any input appreciated.
Hi, I'm a 22 year old student, was thinking of going in May or soon thereafter upon finishing my undergrad studies. I've little or no money/work experience. Any useful advice? What kind of work could I hope to find realistically? What kind of assistance could I hope for in terms of ticket costs, housing, etc? What exactly would the deal be with my army service, and if I wanted to attend an Ulpan, would this be free? Also, what documents does one need? Any input appreciated.