just wanna help

Raph Rulz

New member
just wanna help

Hey all! My name is Raphael and im 18 yrs old. next year i got a free year b4 im startin servin @ the army. in my free time i volunteer at Magen David Adom as a first-aid-guide. the thing is that next year i would really like to go 4 a Shlichut overseas and use my skills as a guide to make CPR (resuscitation) courses and first aid (bandaging and that stuff). my english is pretty good (with an accent and all, as a result of stayin with aussie and sth african guyz at kfar haroe program) and if there is anyone who thinks that he can help me connect the relevant ppl i will really thank him! thank u sooo much! hopw to hear from anybody, plz conect me with ur replys or by sendin a personal message to my user name at Tapuz system. thanks again Raphi


New member
Why don't you contact the...

Why don't you contact the Red-Cross in relevant countries? For examples you have links for Thailand below. You can ask them if they need voluntiers or know other organizations who may need voluntiers.​


New member
or try that:

www.lametayel.com they have forum for volunteering around the world. goodluck!