Karaites making aliya?


New member
Karaites making aliya?

I would like to know if 'converts' to karaitism can make aliya if they are not jewish by blood on either side. I also would like to know if they cannot what would be the exact reason for this denial. Does the Israeli Government consider Karaites jewish? I appreciate your replies deborrah


Well-known member

Converts to Karaism aren't considered Jews in Israel and the can immigrate to Israel in the long process and according to the Israeli criterias for non-jews (that would take them at least 10 years until they get an Israeli citizenship) and they aren't eligible for any support from the Israeli government.


New member
What about Reform?

Thanks. What about converts to reform judaism? Can they make aliya to Israel?Are they considered jews and do they qualify for support from the Israeli government?


Well-known member

Reform Jews are Eligible to make aliya will all the standard rights Jews get when they immigrate to Israel, and they qualify for support from the Israeli government, but all this is true only if they converted to reform Judaism out of Israel because reform convertion in Israel is problematic and controversial by the Israeli rabbinate.