katin hozer


New member
katin hozer

this is regarding my son. he was 11 when we moved to the USA, now 17 and a senior in HS, wants to go back to Israel, which means the army as well, and stay there as "boded", probably under the "gar-in tapuz" program of the israeli scouts. I am due to receive information from the Jewish Agency regarding his rights, but would appreciate any helpful information I can get here.


New member
begin here..../images/Emo157.gif

Here is a link to the ministry of immigration site. You can find the definition of a Katin Hozer and compare to your son's situation. You can than know what to ask the Shaliach when you'll meet him/ her. http://www.moia.gov.il/zakaim/zakaim1.htm


New member
Re: begin

thanks. my son fits the official definition of KH, but that page does NOT list rights, but suggests contacting a "shaliah". Well this is what we intend to do anyway, but why isn't there an official document detailing rights for KH? is there a discretion by the shaliah as to what rights are relevant to our son? this page also states that a KH receives aid as a Oleh from the MOI only, and that regarding customs and other matters (which ??) we have to contact these offices directly. At this stage I don't even know if there is a reason to contact any other office.


New member
Hi again../images/Emo156.gif

Hi again Regarding your last paragraph, that is why you need to see a shaliach, he can connect all the dots. I'll elaborate: The ministry of immigration treats KH as an Oleh, but the other offices sometimes have different terms to acknowledge someone as a KH. So, KH in one ministry can be regarded as a "Toshav Hozer" in another. Misrad Hashikun treats KH as long as they have a valid "Teudat Zakaut" from Misrad Haklita" but Mas Rechisha does not acknowledge them automatically and had it's own criteria, Mas Hachnasa also, Idf – also has different criteria. So, the Shaliach knows all of those differences and can "compute" your son's rights.