Kingdom Come

  • פותח הנושא Drake
  • פורסם בתאריך


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Kingdom Come

as some one that loved the comics , me and some of my friend sat one day and thought about the movie based on the comics. we decided to pick names and came out with some possible matchs for roles in the movie . Director :Brian Singer James Camron Ridley scot charcters: Superman - the obvious answer is Christopher Reevs but ... Batman - Denis quiad Captain Marvel ? jean Reno Wonder woman - Linda carter or Famke Jansen Artur - Sean connery Lex Luthor - Gene Heckman Scot Free- Jackie Chan Von Bach - Dolf Lundgren or Shwartzenegr Robin/Nightwing -Bruce Campbel Spectre - Michel Bien Magog - Sean Bean any one think of other ones that might be suitable for roles in suce a movie ? ones that wi´ll be able to look like the charcter in the book and will make a belivable part visually and play wise ?? Drake -------------------------- Never,Ever cut a deal with a Dragon