Law of Return....
Just curious...might be a dumb question...but I have a Grand Parent whose mother is Jewish, I believe this would entitle myself and my spouse to 'Return' however what documentation proves Jewishness. It is obvious to us (and everyone we meet) that we are Jewish it is just a cash of proving it. We are not pratising Jews but still believe that returning to Israel is the correct thing to do. If anyone can help that would be great
Just curious...might be a dumb question...but I have a Grand Parent whose mother is Jewish, I believe this would entitle myself and my spouse to 'Return' however what documentation proves Jewishness. It is obvious to us (and everyone we meet) that we are Jewish it is just a cash of proving it. We are not pratising Jews but still believe that returning to Israel is the correct thing to do. If anyone can help that would be great