Lesbian Single Mom´s
Thank you Twetty for your help again. I´m sorry for writting in English as I live in L.A. and don´t have MIKLEDET IN HEBREW. I live with my partner and her 13 years old teenagers fro previous marriage. We are in the process of having our own baby by artifical Insemination. I´m the one who going to get pregnant. we alreadt tried twice and yesterday we found out it´s not going to be this month. my partner is very supportive , however I still feel devestated . At first we looked into finding a gay partner to co parent with us.and it didn´t work out. so we decided to do it alone.I still feel the pressure and the fear about having a baby, but I´m hoping for the best. good luck to all of you who are in the making the decision process, or already made the decision. Thanks Zusha
Thank you Twetty for your help again. I´m sorry for writting in English as I live in L.A. and don´t have MIKLEDET IN HEBREW. I live with my partner and her 13 years old teenagers fro previous marriage. We are in the process of having our own baby by artifical Insemination. I´m the one who going to get pregnant. we alreadt tried twice and yesterday we found out it´s not going to be this month. my partner is very supportive , however I still feel devestated . At first we looked into finding a gay partner to co parent with us.and it didn´t work out. so we decided to do it alone.I still feel the pressure and the fear about having a baby, but I´m hoping for the best. good luck to all of you who are in the making the decision process, or already made the decision. Thanks Zusha