Life - Funny thing


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Life - Funny thing

I can´t write in hebrew...don´t know why, so...please excuse´s my story in English... I had an incident today, like a "warm" welcoming of me finishing the army... I was in my base today, now former, did all my clearings there, signed all the commanders and people I needed, smiled, said good-bye to all I cared...but my own personal commander was in a different base, so...I told him I´ll drop by a different day and talk to him, say goodbye as well and give him his present face to face...and that was it, drove back home, to my city... I decided to close all my circles in life, the ones I wanted to close...and so I did...I drove to my high-school, and it was the first time I visited high-school since I graduated there 3 and a half years ago, saw my old teachers, it was real nice... When I got back to car, I´ve noticed glass in the passanger´s sit, I thought the gift was broken, well...not seems someone smashed my back window of the car, broke to it and stole the gift that was in the back sit...and that happened in day light, noon, near a medic care center and a big parking gift, and a broken window...(no window the car)... So..I am getting over it, hey, things happen, I am sure the guy who stole it will try to sell it and buy, I already wished him that if he intends to buy drugs with it, I hope my gift will break, if he´ll buy medic care, let him be healthy...I also asked the gods, is this my Karma? Is this what I need in one of my happiest days, after finishing army? But I understood, it´s life, things happen in life...and in any way, I still trust my way of love and light, and still love the gods...I will survive, I am in the light... Tomorrow I´ll be clearing myself from the main Headquarters of the IDF (Israel Defense Force), and in the afternoon, I´m a civilian once again... Love and light my friends... Nir...


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../images/Emo4.gifלמה רק לך זה יקרה?!

המזל שלי מתחיל להשפיע עליך ניר... אני אגיד לך מה שאתה אומר לי כל הזמן... תחייך, מה אתה כבר מפסיד בזה?! ושהאלים יחיכו אליך תמיד... אני זזה לארגן תיק לטיול ותבלה מחר בבקו"מ... ממני בברכת אור ואהבה... סיון