Live From New-York City !


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Live From New-York City ! ../images/Emo19.gif

Hi Everybody... what´s
I got home just about now and decided to let you know I´m back !!! I HOPE YOU DIDN´T FORGET ME... I am having such a great time here in NY. I bought a XENA calender, and when I ate at PLANET HOLLYWOOD I saw the XENA CHACKRAM, the real one she used on the show So tell me what has been going on in the last week in a few days I will be able to write in hebrew too ! Love U all ASSAFI


New member

i´m writing in English in case you can´t see hebrew! we miss you a lot!!! Glad to hear from you!!! Luv, Alexis

xena 17

New member
אספי מה נשמע?

כמה טוב לשמוע ממך!! כולנו כאן מתגעגעים אליך,תעשה חיים! שני


New member
new york city boy ../images/Emo3.gif ../images/Emo6.gif

אספי? התגעגעתה? איזה כייף לך אתה בניו יורק ואנחנו כאן


New member
היי אספי!!! ../images/Emo23.gif

טוב לשמוע ממך אספי!!! !!!Welcome back ב -
, זינה