schools & good area
Great! If you research your options well you should be very happy here. Go to the shaliach, arrange a good Ulpan - check out what Odeliel has written on this forum - very good advice in my opinion, I have only just started with the forum. 1. Most important: try to ensure that your daughters Hebrew (yours also) is as good as possible. Don’t forget the fact that this is Israel and Hebrew is the language of the country, ie. used at home, in the street and definitely at school. There are schools that will assist by finding students who can help with homework and showing them around the neighbourhood etc. 2. You are absolutely correct about finding the correct community etc. In our case living on a yeshuv has been good for my children. Children stick very closely to their ‘shevet’, peer group. You didn’t say where you are coming from, but Renaana is a very Anglo orientated town and from my experience with friends who have made Aliyah to Renaana – it has been a great success. If you have some family here in Israel, see if they have suggestions about the areas where they live, family and friends from home are very important. The transport system is great and does provide access to hospitals.