Living in the north


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I realise this, however believe me I am willing to share experiences that we have undergone in these long years, and maybe be of help to others.


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No, but... what?

Is this a forum for knocking only shlichim? What's about the systems that are imbursed for accepting olim chadashim and taking the money without bothering with their olim? (Even though they are children?)


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schools & good area

Great! If you research your options well you should be very happy here. Go to the shaliach, arrange a good Ulpan - check out what Odeliel has written on this forum - very good advice in my opinion, I have only just started with the forum. 1. Most important: try to ensure that your daughters Hebrew (yours also) is as good as possible. Don’t forget the fact that this is Israel and Hebrew is the language of the country, ie. used at home, in the street and definitely at school. There are schools that will assist by finding students who can help with homework and showing them around the neighbourhood etc. 2. You are absolutely correct about finding the correct community etc. In our case living on a yeshuv has been good for my children. Children stick very closely to their ‘shevet’, peer group. You didn’t say where you are coming from, but Renaana is a very Anglo orientated town and from my experience with friends who have made Aliyah to Renaana – it has been a great success. If you have some family here in Israel, see if they have suggestions about the areas where they live, family and friends from home are very important. The transport system is great and does provide access to hospitals.


New member
That's wonderful../images/Emo140.gif

Hi I hope that we can all benefit from your experience in the past in this area. The education system in Israel is overwhelming sometimes, and much experience and "Savlanut" and also "Hutzpa" is needed in order to assure that your children can get the best education possible. Please feel free to write in the future and answer to those who are newer here.


New member
Living in the north

We made aliyah 10 years ago. We encountered great difficulty in finding appropriate schools for the children, 2 boys and a girl. This was complicated by looking for mamlachi dati schools. Has anyone else encountered these problems?


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Correct forum?

Is this the correct forum to approach you with my questions about the experiences my children were subjected to at school, or would you suggent another site?


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Olim rights or....../images/Emo35.gif

Hi I don't know exactly what you mean. Are you referring to Olim rights? Has your children been deprived of their rights in School? They are entitled to some extra help. Or is it something more personal?


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Olim rights

When we went for an interview with principals they were really happy to be receiving 2 new olim chadashim. Please confirm whether schools are subsidised when receiving olim chadashim?


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Dear arloz....../images/Emo124.gif

Hi This is so complicated to explain in English but I will try. The government gives money to the municipalities for children who are Olim. The municipality gives the money to the schools according to the number of olim children that are in the school. The more olim children un the school, the more special tutoring hours they get.1 child is entitled to 1 hour a week. 2 children are entitled to 2 hours and so they can sit together and gain as additional hour each, in fact. But…. Somehow, not always the olim children get that right. Not all olim parents know of that and so if they do not ask, they might not get it. When in doubt, it is always good to ask. There is always an olim representative that is appointed by the municipality and you can always turn to him. Or, the AACi can assist in these matters as well. I hope it was clear….


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schooling continued...

The trauma that my children under went was quite a long time ago as they have already completed their army service. I only wish that at the time I had been aware of this forum system or even realised that it was possible to turn to the Agency with what they underwent. What upsets me is that these principals continue to run a school, and no doubt continue mistreat olim, as why shouldn't they unless stopped?! Is there some way to report what happened?


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Yes, there is../images/Emo88.gif

Each and every government office has a branch called "Pniot hatzibur". You can make a complaint and they have to answer you. The e-mail for complaints is: [email protected] The regular address is: Mrs. Rivka Levin, education office 2, Dvora Hanevia St. Jerusalem 91911 their Fax Number: 02-5602390 Good Luck


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../images/Emo42.gifThank you

Odelial, Thank you so much for your help. I wish I had been aware of the idea of a Forum (this is the first time am participating); and specially almost directly through the Jewish Agency.


New member
../images/Emo35.gifCorrect forum?

Is this the correct forum to approach you with my questions about the experiences my children were subjected to at school, or would you suggent another site?