Living & Working in Israel


New member
Thank you

Thank you for your response. That is what I am assuming as well, which is unfortunate. Israel has Jews, Christians and Muslims that call themselves Israeli. Israel is considered a melting pot. There are people who belive in the state of Israel and want to be a part of it, but just happen to not be Jewish. I would hope that Israel would be equal in it's efforts to attract new Israelis. Thank you again for your input.

want to help

New member
Dear Dominick

It's a great pleasure and honor for us Israeli Jews to read such a lovely letter. It realy warms the heart to know that there are people, generous and kind, who want to attach their lives with us. I It's hard for me to believe that we , the small country, having so many exsisting problems are still enough attractive for you and wonderful people like you. I'll try to find for you more information for your inquiries , you can contact me in the mail [email protected]


New member
Living & Working in Israel

Hi, I am a 32 yo professional American looking to live and work in Israel. I am a secular and non Jewish. (Actually, 1/4 Jewish by mother) I would like any insight on how I can go about this. I am willing to serve in the IDF and go through whatever process there is. Is Aliyah only reserved for practicing Jews? I am beginning to take Hebrew classes next month. Is it difficult for non Jewish to live and work in Israel. I want to help and contribute what I can to a better Israel.