well you know
stay in touch with the fans can keep you in focous... and the sucses means something, i´m afraid that as soon as they´ll be as popular as some bands, they´ll be as snob as some bands... that makes sense, right? but if we´ll remind them for once in a while that no one knows them in eaurop and in the most of the states, they´ll stay cool, i hope. anyway, roddy is crazy, he can´t let every fan have his msn... it´s just madness! you know what i think? he need a new privet msn, yo know what i mean? he have the "roddyvoxs" addraess, and he have the other one, which everyone have... so i know he doesn´t mind me and you having it, but what about the others? all the fans he talked to before the new msn? we should do something about it, dont you think?