looking for info on alia and yerida


New member
looking for info on alia and yerida

good morning odelia! i am writing a paper for the university, about the last big alia from argentina and the reasons of the olim for coming, and i am also interested in knowing more about people who decided to return- how many are they really, why did they decide to leave israel, how long did it take them to... so far, not much success... i was hoping you might have any ideas that could help me with this... thanks a lot! meital p.


New member
you can try "lamas" they have

all the data and statistics, or you can call the Jewish agencyws Dovrut office and ask for the data. 02-6202222 this is the main number, ask for the Dovrut.


New member

i already contacted the OLEI, and they didn't have any info, although they did contact me with a director of a movie about it, that wil air in the cinematek in jerusalem next week... so i hope it will be enlighting too
as for figures- i found some interesting stuff on the website of the ministry of absorbtion i hope to find some more interesting stuff about it
if anyone is interested in the movie- it's called "next year in argentina", in jerusalem it will be on the 27th at 21:30, (as of yesterday, there were about 30 tickets left), and there will be another screening (that's the right word?..) a few days later in tel aviv, but i don't remember the exact date. apparently, in jerusalem there's a festival of jewish films... i don't have further info about it, but if anyone is interested let me know so i look it up and post it here. thanks again for your input! meital