LOTR, LOTR and more LOTR!


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LOTR, LOTR and more LOTR!

Hey everyone, I'm in London Hope it's ok that I'm writing in English, I don't really have a way to write in Hebrew soooo... lol I was in the Lord Of The Rings exhibition ("Ta'aruha") yesterday in the Science Museum.. it was GREAT! They have all the cutomes and swords and EVERYTHING that was used in the movies and they show how everything was done.. they even have the real RING there from the movie! Boy how excited was I to see it LOL! I bought the official Return Of The King 2004 Calender, some postcards (Anat, I got u a Legolas one..) and a wicked poster.. then bout 3 hours later I met a friend of mine whogave me a Two Towers bag with loads of Two Towers stuff and and a wicked mosaic Legolas poster which u all HAVE to see cos it's GORGEOUS! Anyways, sorry for just babblin.. so yea, I LOVE LORD OF THE RINGS! THE END.

Mrs Bloom

New member
../images/Emo153.gif איזה כייייייייייייף לך !!!!

אני מקווה שצילמת תמונות !!!

little bry

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יאאאא נשמע שממש נהניתתת

שםםםםםםם תמשיכי לעשות חיים!!!!!! ותחזרי עם המונמונמון חוויות! מואה! תהני!

Anat L

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תודה מותק../images/Emo25.gif../images/Emo23.gif

איזה כיף לךךךךךךך!!!! פעם הבאה את לוקחת אותי לשם!!!

Anat L

New member
עכשיו קלטתי

שאני לעולם לא אספיק להיות שם כי התערוכה עוברת מלונדון לערים אחרות בעולם בינואר 2004


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U welcome!

Do u want the mosaic poster of Legolas as well? Cos it's from HMV I can always get another one... And yea, I think the exhibition is movin to somewhere in East Asia next

Anat L

New member
כן ברור שאני רוצהההה!!!!

ואם תראי עוד דברים של אורלנדו תקני לייייי אני אחזיר לך את הכסף כמובן mosaic poster זה כאילו פוסטר עם הרבה תמונות של לגולס ביחד? באיזה גודל הוא?


New member

yes, mosaic poster is like loads of small pix that come out to one big pic... the poster is big, like the ones i've got in my room grrrrrrrrrr @ u!! why did i only see this now?! i just got back from the science museum again just to buy myself more lord of the rings stuff lol, if i knew u want more i'd buy u too..
well the only legolas stuff they actually have r like small addresses books/"pinkasim" and stuff and they have some posters, postcards, some dolls but they're very expensive, i can't even afford myself one and they got a big legolas cut out which is like a legolas poster on a "carton" on his actual size, but it's like 27£ grrrr

Anat L

New member
טוף לא נורא../images/Emo4.gif

אבל אם תראי דברים של אורלי באיזה חנות או משו גם בלי קשר לשר הטבעות אז תקני לי
או סתם תקני לי משו יפה של איזה מפורסם שאני אוהבת (את יודעת מה אני אוהבת
) כי אני כ"כ חמודה
אני שונאת אותך!!!!

אני בוכה פה בגללך!! אני בוכהההההההההההההההההההההה!!!! אני קוראת ועבר בי גל של קינאה
ואז רהגעתי לקטע שהייתה שם את הטבעת האמיתית ירדה לי דמעעעעעעעעעעה
!!!!!!!! אני מקנאה בך!!!! למה לי אין מזל כזה? הכל נאחס אצלי!!! מגעיל!! אף פעם לא קורה לי משהו מגניב!!! וואי זה החלום שלי להגיע לתערוכה של שר הטבעות. אם תהיה כזאת בארץ זה יהיה גרוע כי לא תהיה את הטבעת ואת החרבות ואת כל התלבושות. יש לי תמונה של החרב של אראגורן. תגידי לי אם זה מהתערוכה


New member
U're not allowed to take pix

inside the exhibition so I didn't take any
I'm gonna go again just to the science museum just to take pix of signs of the exhibition, sad I know but I want somethin to remember it.. The only thing I got that proves I was inside is the ticket for it and some stuff I bought there like postcards and the calender and the Middle Earth map poster... I'm thinkin bout buyin a HUGE Legolas cut out but my parents would kill me, also I have no way to carry it! It's huge, it's like, Legolas REAL size! LOL! קשי ציידת הליפונים, LOL I copied ur name!! The pic isn't from the exhibition cos the sword in the exhibition was like on a wall and not like in the pic, it's hard to explain, when I come back I'll explain it in Hebrew... Don't cry for it, it's all amazing and everything, but it's not worth cryin for I was so excited to be there, I got most excited seein the ring and seein Sauron's outfit from the war that is shown in the beginin of the first film.. it's amazing! It's like Sauron in his actual size.. Really no words to describe how amazing is the job and effort they put in this triology.. I wish I could take pix for u


New member
no way hozeh!!

it's bloody 27£! i'd buy it as well if i had room for it and if my parents wouldn't kill me for spending so much money on that piece of junk! lmao! i'm so sad, i went to the science museum again just to buy some stuff (i bought another poster of all of em from the two towers, i'd buy it before but it was out of stock cos it's the nicest poster
lol) and bought another postcard of all the fellowship i also went there to take pix outside the exhibition so i'll have a proof i was actually there lmao! it's so sad, i felt like a japanese tourist takin pix of every single thing! lmao i also went to see david blaine today, anyone heard bout him??


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איזה כיף לך

כמה פעמים טסת לאנגליה ? יואו אני מתה לטוס לאנגליה

Anat L

New member
טוף על זה גמני יכולה לענות../images/Emo3.gif

היא טסה בערך...מממ... 100000 פעם!
ופעם הבאה היא לוקחת אותי איתה


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I MET.........

Ronan Keating yesterday and saw 50 Cent yesterday and today, I didn't ask for a picture though, LOL, long story, u don't wanna know!! I dont wanna come back to Israel