aliyah Calculations../images/Emo2.gif
Hi You can plan your aliyah like that and drown in economical calculations. Sure, If you come as singles, you will get separate Sal Klita, Separate customs rights (reduces taxes on a car, if you can afford to buy 2 of them – cheaper indeed but still expensive). You can get separate support on your rent (but you will not live together….) separate mortgage (this is not better financially – Israel loves couples and the mortgage for couples is better) etc. at the end of the day I strongly recommend to live your life as you planned it. If you want to get married, do it where ever you planned to do it from the beginning – with your family and friends around you, loving and supporting you on this special time and the start of a new life. Make aliyah, you will get enough benefits and aid to help you at least for the beginning of your life here. All those economical calculations might not be what you thought in the firsdt place. You can go to the immigration ministry web site and look at the sums of money you get as single and as a couple – just an example – Sal klita for a single person is 15542 sh. Sal Klita for a couple is: 29632 sh. More details on your rights you can get from the Shaliach. Good luck and welcome to Israel, married or not, we would love to have you here, at home.