

New member

It all started on 18 September 1931, with the Japanese army invading North-East China. This move, some say, was actually the beginning of WWII, but in the Asian theater.Some, say it started after 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge incident, and like others, think it started with the invasion of Poland on September 1ST 1939, and the declaration of war 2 days after by Britain and France. The Japanese occupation was brutal and economically devastating for the newly founded 'state':Manchuria.The Japanese made use of the economy to suit their goal of supplying mainland Japan with agricultural and Industrial material taken from Manchuria.Bonds, cash all was made to extract as much as they could, leaving just the minimum needed to sustain the local Chinese population.Soy beans, coal, metal-everything was harnessed and shipped back home.Here is an example of such control they had on the economy: a scan of an issued bond by the Manchurian Government, SPECIMEN, from 1941 (kept by the CBM in Harbin or Xinjing).


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אפשר לכתוב גם בעברית :)

הייתי במוזאון שמוקדש לטבח במנצוריה.


New member
Where is that Museum?

Living in China for 7 years now and I never went to that museum. I have been collecting WWII material for 17 years now, last 7 are from the Manchurian conflict. My computer here has no Hebrew and I have not used Hebrew typing for so long...sadly


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המוזאון בעיר ליד חרבין

(בקשתי להגיע אליו וסיני אחד רשם לי 731 וכך הגעתי לשם בתחבורה ציבורית) בנוגע לעברית (אתמול בלילה הייתי עייף מלתרגם את האנגלית). אם כבר מוזאונים בסין לך למוזאון בקאיפנג keifungותבקש (תתחנן) להגיע לקומה ה4 שם יש את התנך בסינית.


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Surrender Pass

The invasion into Manchuria started in September is a 'Surrender Pass' dropped by the Japanese for the Chinese Army, assuring decent behavior taken by the Japanese on the surrendering Chinese...such 'decent' behavior is famous for Nanjing and other scenes of WWII in China.


New member
Surrender Pass

The invasion into Manchuria started in September is a 'Surrender Pass' dropped by the Japanese for the Chinese Army, assuring decent behavior taken by the Japanese on the surrendering Chinese...such 'decent' behavior is famous for Nanjing and other scenes of WWII in China.