Masorti converstion + aliyah


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Masorti converstion + aliyah

Hi, I've heard alot of different things regarding the possibility to make aliyah after converting. I hope somepne here can help me straighten this out. I'm currently converting to judaism within a masorti/conservative congregation. Will I be able to make aliyah and will my conversion be recognized as valid? If I marry my jewish girlfriend in a jewish ceremony here in Sweden, after I have converted and we then make aliyah together - will our marriage count as a jewish marriage or as a civil marriage done abroad? Thanks, Magnus Lindberg, Stockholm, Sweden


New member
Should be OK

Hi, Your conversion should be fine for Aliyah - conversions carried out by communities abroad are normally recognised for Aliyah purposes. You can check with the Masorti movement in your country or with Mercaz in Jerusalem. Not sure about your marriage as currently only Orthodox ones are recognised as valid but there's nothing wrong with a civil marriage carried out abroad. But I would check with your Rabbi who should know.