Masorti converstion + aliyah
Hi, I've heard alot of different things regarding the possibility to make aliyah after converting. I hope somepne here can help me straighten this out. I'm currently converting to judaism within a masorti/conservative congregation. Will I be able to make aliyah and will my conversion be recognized as valid? If I marry my jewish girlfriend in a jewish ceremony here in Sweden, after I have converted and we then make aliyah together - will our marriage count as a jewish marriage or as a civil marriage done abroad? Thanks, Magnus Lindberg, Stockholm, Sweden
Hi, I've heard alot of different things regarding the possibility to make aliyah after converting. I hope somepne here can help me straighten this out. I'm currently converting to judaism within a masorti/conservative congregation. Will I be able to make aliyah and will my conversion be recognized as valid? If I marry my jewish girlfriend in a jewish ceremony here in Sweden, after I have converted and we then make aliyah together - will our marriage count as a jewish marriage or as a civil marriage done abroad? Thanks, Magnus Lindberg, Stockholm, Sweden