Masters of Origami now Open


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Masters of Origami now Open

Miri, Abeer and myself have returned from the 'Masters of Origami' opening at Hangar-7 in Salzburg, Austria, amazed by the extraordinary events of the week. The origami exhibition had contributions from more than 60 'Masters'. About 20 were personally invited to the opening, including Tomoko Fuse, Dave Brill, Saburo Kase, Eric Joisel, Vincent Floderer, Robert Lang, Joseph Wu, Michael LaFosse, Makoto Yamaguchi, Jonathan Baxter, Nick Robinson and the widow of Akira Yoshizawa. Other invited 'Masters' and other contributing artists also attended, including our own Saadya, Heinz Strobl, Silke Schroeder and Paulo Mulatinho, and Austria's own Peter Paul Forcher. About 450 guests attended the spectacular opening night in the extraordinary hi-tech surroundings of Hangar-7 ('the most beautiful hangar in the world'). The next day the 'Masters' were given a memorable low-level trip around Austria in Hangar-7's own renovated DC-6. There is a beautiful book of the exhibition, soon to be available, plus lots of free goodies available to people who visit the exhibition. The exhibition has received massive publicity in Austria, and also in Germany too. The organisors say that 3,500 people visited the exhibition in the weekend after the opening, described as 'overwhelming'. The Israeli Origami Center will soon have copies of the most utterly fantabulistic 'Paper Music' CD (by me!) and Miri's equally fantabulistic 'Origami as a Learning Tool' booklet. We also have about 20-25 copies of the beautiful MoO poster (approx 42 x 60cm) to give away, perhaps at the next Fan Club meeting. The exhibition is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for origami. Probably not for many years will another sponsor support an origami exhibition as generously as Red Bull. Please click on the links below to learn more about this unique event. Paul Jackson


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אין ספק התערוכה באוסטריה

מהגדולות והמרשימות שנערכו אי פעם בעולם האוריגאמי היה כייף לפגוש את כל המאסטרים וללמד את אמנות האויגאמי גם למורים וגם לילדים. כדאי להכנס לאתר של האנגר 7 זהו מקום מרשים (לעשירון העליון) כל התערוכה נעשתה על ידי Red Bull הם השקיעו הון עתק בתערוכה ולמי שמתכנן בקיץ טיול באירופה זלצבורג בהחלט יכולה להיות אופציה. כדאי להכנס ללינקים שפול צרף יש ספר מרשים של התערוכה אפשר לרכוש אותו פול צרף לינק.


New member
Paul is too humble

and neglects to mention that both he and Miri also contributed pieces to this exhibit (in addition to all their organizational work). I am also pleased to report that while the Salzburg organizers treated us all without exception with enormous respect as “Masters”, none of the hugely talented people there (barring a very few insecure types) let this go to their heads or started strutted about calling themselves ‘Master’---except as a joke. The mark of true quality and humanity, and how an Origami Culture really should be. I was specially impressed with Stefan Weber’s centerpiece Bulls ---and chagrined to observe that this model, so much better than any animal I’ve made, is from a base sequence I’ve been using for years… (Eyal, I’ll show you what I remember of this fold.) The Hangar is a surreal space; basically the owner of Red Bull has built his own private airport (/restaurant/aviation museum/ exhibition space), with cute help-staff dressed up as stewardesses, etc. See pics. As Paul says, this was a landmark event in the history of Origami--though so outlandish and unexpected as not to allow a clear idea of just where it will fit. Saadya

eyal reuv

New member
great photoes

סעדיה, אני מחכה בקוצר רוח להפגש ולנסות את הדגם,במידה ותזכור אותו עד אז. כל הכבוד על הייצוג המכובד שלך בתערוכות בברצלונה,אוסטריה... אם יש לך עוד תמונות,נשמח לראות. אם תוכל אפילו לשלוח לי באי מייל זה יהיה מעולה. שבת שלום,אייל