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MC-שליטה בתודעה-גרמה לכת Heavens Gate להתאבד
(מתוlך Burried Alive של James Casbold - קישור שהביא המאמין) מנגלה בשירות המודיעין הבריטי - פיצול אישיות לצורך הפעלת סוכנים Heinrich Himmler and the Special Projects unit of the SS ordered a Nazi research program into Northern European families. The families targeted for this research program were the ones who had practised multi-generational rites of Freemasonry, occultism, and Satanism. Josef Mengele, the infamous “Angel of Death” from the Auswitz concentration camp, stayed at the Tavistock mind control institute in London when British Intelligence brought him here after the Second World War. One of the main projects at the Tavistock Institute was to find the breaking point of human beings. In trauma-based mind control, a Mengele Grid is programmed into the victim using torture and other methods. The victim’s mind would then break into 169 fragments or alter personalities. A type of electro-magnetic grid would be incorporated into the brain, and this would affect brain waves. With the use of cranial implants, an artificial alpha wave transmission could be sustained in horrific situations. This would enable the operative to stay completely calm in intense situations. Each alter holds memories of the specific mind control procedure and is unaware of the existence of the other alters because of amnesic walls between them. Certain medical symptoms of this procedure have become known today as MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) or DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). In mind control cases, each alter or personality can be programmed for a specific task or ability and then called forward using hypnotic triggers. This is done by the handlers of the relevant mind control project to activate the ability and complete the task. These alters are also programmed with post-hypnotic suggestion to forget the task afterward. Only the handlers of the mind control project can call forth the different alters, as only they know the correct hypnotic codes, triggers, and keys to do this. If the mind control victim is a “sleeper” (a civilian who lives in the a public community), even the closest family members of the person will have no idea that they are DID. In rare cases, an individual will realise their mind has been tampered with in one of the vast numbers of government mind control projects and seek help to de-programme their alters. This is possible with hard work and the right kind of professional help. הכת שהתאבדה 1973, 1986, 1999, 2012 (many of my contacts claim this may be the date of the final Draco reptilian invasion, but I cannot be certain about this). In 1986, the white-coloured Draco Prime arrived into our solar system in the Draconian “Planetoid,” which we know on Earth as the Hale-Bopp comet. The Draco Prime, travelling from the planet Typhon in the Draconis star system, was checking on how the take-over of Earth, which they call Sol-3, was coming along. Hale-Bopp kept making course alterations because it was under intelligent control and was photographed with an object behind it, which was a Draco Prime mother ship. Hale-Bopp incited a great degree of panic in the human population because we are telepathic beings who can “feel” danger. This was notable in the mass suicide of the followers of the Heavens Gate cult that was reported in the mainstream media. They said Hale Bopp was being followed by an alien spacecraft. I was told by an NSA contact, whom I’ll refer to as X3, that the Heavens Gate cult was under US intelligence trauma-based mind control and that Admiral Bobby Ray Inman ordered the triggering of Omega alters in the cult members. A lot of people in the intelligence community are not going to be happy about me naming old Bobby Ray, but the truth is all coming out now. Omega is a self-destruct, suicide alter that can be triggered in a mind control victim. The reasons for doing this seem to be to discredit all the talk about an alien spacecraft behind Hale Bopp and to make it seem like religious hysteria. X3 told me there were mind control programmers in the Heavens Gate cult who were ex-NSA and some of the best programmers in the business. They must have been very advanced programmers because some of the cultists who committed suicide at their mansion in San Diego in 1997 had been “persuaded” to go through castration beforehand. They were also heavily into Yoga, Chi Gung mediation, and had an outstanding diet. X3 says because of this, they had made telepathic contact with the Draco mother ship behind the Hale Bopp comet. He also said that admiral Bobby Ray Inman had ordered a Hotshot (intel speak for a scalar weapon attack to activate sleeping mind control programs in people), and a white van pulled up outside the mansion with NSA agents inside who were armed with frequency generators to remotely trigger the Heavens Gate sleepers. The following information comes from a US intelligence community contact, X13, who is the friend of Dan Akroyd. He says the Heavens Gate people were connected to DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) and a government group that currently controls the internet, called SAIC. Several of the cult members were involved in advanced computer projects, and others created websites. Beverly Hills computer businessman (and former car thief) Nick Matzorkis employed about a dozen cult members to design World Wide Web sites. Nick Matzorkis was one 24 of the men who found the bodies at the mansion. He went on to help raise $54 million in an internet venture called US Then he founded a company in China with his partner, none other than Nicholas Rockefeller. Their company was called Global Agora and is one of the first US companies to have been launched in China. The Heavens Gate group started an underground housing complex. They built part of it and were then “disrupted” so they would be forced to relocate to a place where they could be monitored more effectively. X13 also claims that Bobby Inman’s hit men suicided the cult members to discredit the reports of an ET ship behind Hale Bopp and also because the Heavens Gate people had encryption programs that would make it impossible for the intelligence community to spy on internet users
(מתוlך Burried Alive של James Casbold - קישור שהביא המאמין) מנגלה בשירות המודיעין הבריטי - פיצול אישיות לצורך הפעלת סוכנים Heinrich Himmler and the Special Projects unit of the SS ordered a Nazi research program into Northern European families. The families targeted for this research program were the ones who had practised multi-generational rites of Freemasonry, occultism, and Satanism. Josef Mengele, the infamous “Angel of Death” from the Auswitz concentration camp, stayed at the Tavistock mind control institute in London when British Intelligence brought him here after the Second World War. One of the main projects at the Tavistock Institute was to find the breaking point of human beings. In trauma-based mind control, a Mengele Grid is programmed into the victim using torture and other methods. The victim’s mind would then break into 169 fragments or alter personalities. A type of electro-magnetic grid would be incorporated into the brain, and this would affect brain waves. With the use of cranial implants, an artificial alpha wave transmission could be sustained in horrific situations. This would enable the operative to stay completely calm in intense situations. Each alter holds memories of the specific mind control procedure and is unaware of the existence of the other alters because of amnesic walls between them. Certain medical symptoms of this procedure have become known today as MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) or DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). In mind control cases, each alter or personality can be programmed for a specific task or ability and then called forward using hypnotic triggers. This is done by the handlers of the relevant mind control project to activate the ability and complete the task. These alters are also programmed with post-hypnotic suggestion to forget the task afterward. Only the handlers of the mind control project can call forth the different alters, as only they know the correct hypnotic codes, triggers, and keys to do this. If the mind control victim is a “sleeper” (a civilian who lives in the a public community), even the closest family members of the person will have no idea that they are DID. In rare cases, an individual will realise their mind has been tampered with in one of the vast numbers of government mind control projects and seek help to de-programme their alters. This is possible with hard work and the right kind of professional help. הכת שהתאבדה 1973, 1986, 1999, 2012 (many of my contacts claim this may be the date of the final Draco reptilian invasion, but I cannot be certain about this). In 1986, the white-coloured Draco Prime arrived into our solar system in the Draconian “Planetoid,” which we know on Earth as the Hale-Bopp comet. The Draco Prime, travelling from the planet Typhon in the Draconis star system, was checking on how the take-over of Earth, which they call Sol-3, was coming along. Hale-Bopp kept making course alterations because it was under intelligent control and was photographed with an object behind it, which was a Draco Prime mother ship. Hale-Bopp incited a great degree of panic in the human population because we are telepathic beings who can “feel” danger. This was notable in the mass suicide of the followers of the Heavens Gate cult that was reported in the mainstream media. They said Hale Bopp was being followed by an alien spacecraft. I was told by an NSA contact, whom I’ll refer to as X3, that the Heavens Gate cult was under US intelligence trauma-based mind control and that Admiral Bobby Ray Inman ordered the triggering of Omega alters in the cult members. A lot of people in the intelligence community are not going to be happy about me naming old Bobby Ray, but the truth is all coming out now. Omega is a self-destruct, suicide alter that can be triggered in a mind control victim. The reasons for doing this seem to be to discredit all the talk about an alien spacecraft behind Hale Bopp and to make it seem like religious hysteria. X3 told me there were mind control programmers in the Heavens Gate cult who were ex-NSA and some of the best programmers in the business. They must have been very advanced programmers because some of the cultists who committed suicide at their mansion in San Diego in 1997 had been “persuaded” to go through castration beforehand. They were also heavily into Yoga, Chi Gung mediation, and had an outstanding diet. X3 says because of this, they had made telepathic contact with the Draco mother ship behind the Hale Bopp comet. He also said that admiral Bobby Ray Inman had ordered a Hotshot (intel speak for a scalar weapon attack to activate sleeping mind control programs in people), and a white van pulled up outside the mansion with NSA agents inside who were armed with frequency generators to remotely trigger the Heavens Gate sleepers. The following information comes from a US intelligence community contact, X13, who is the friend of Dan Akroyd. He says the Heavens Gate people were connected to DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) and a government group that currently controls the internet, called SAIC. Several of the cult members were involved in advanced computer projects, and others created websites. Beverly Hills computer businessman (and former car thief) Nick Matzorkis employed about a dozen cult members to design World Wide Web sites. Nick Matzorkis was one 24 of the men who found the bodies at the mansion. He went on to help raise $54 million in an internet venture called US Then he founded a company in China with his partner, none other than Nicholas Rockefeller. Their company was called Global Agora and is one of the first US companies to have been launched in China. The Heavens Gate group started an underground housing complex. They built part of it and were then “disrupted” so they would be forced to relocate to a place where they could be monitored more effectively. X13 also claims that Bobby Inman’s hit men suicided the cult members to discredit the reports of an ET ship behind Hale Bopp and also because the Heavens Gate people had encryption programs that would make it impossible for the intelligence community to spy on internet users