Mod Orth, anglos Kehilot in Galil


New member
Mod Orth, anglos Kehilot in Galil

My family and I are planning Aliya and appear to have work options in Nahariya. We love the Galil and are most concerned about our Klita. While my Hebrew is quite good, my wife doesn't speak Hebrew. Also, she is looking for a Anglo-Saxon community (I.e. one that has shared values, world outlook). Does anyone know of a part anglo, modern orthodox community in the Galil that is commute distance to Nahariya? Also, would there be good Ulpan options there? We would love any contacts you may have as well!

Dave Bender

New member
Life among the Pines...

Hi Aryehl, The Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel provides a counseling service in the north, working in cooperation with the Jewish Agency's information center in Haifa They should be able to answer all the questions about life in the Galilee, communities, ulpan options, etc: You can contact Yanina at: [email protected] or call directly at: 972 4 856 7638 Good luck, DB