my baby is spolit???


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my baby is spolit???

Hi everyone, My baby girl is 10 weeks old. She suffered a lot from colic and therefore spent many hours in our arms The problem we have now is that she will not sleep in her cot on her back. Only in our arms on her tummy. We know that she still as gas that may wake her up but just don't know what to do We are going crazy as one of us always has to be awake with her What to do???? HELP!
a spoiled baby

You have to put her back to sleep in her cot. It's not going to be easy, especially because at this age she still might suffer form colics, but you have no other choice. You already defined the situation , although so young became spoiled. A baby need healthy parents, first of all, and you are not going to remain sane carrying her permanently in your arms.