new here

new here

hi to you all i have been following this forum for over a month now and really enjoyed all the conversations here unfortunatly I dont have hebrew on my computer so never wanted to write but i really feel like i have gotten to know the people on this site and really want to become part of it : alittle about my self i am living with my husband in oregon 32 weeks pregnant with a little girl. after going though a lot of reading i decided i want a home birth, found a wonderful team of midwives, dealt with the all the regular comments from people around and now am getting closer to the importat day hope to have a safe, and good labor and delivery

אום נטע

New member
Welcome and Good Luck! x

With everything - the pregnancy, the dealing with the environment and of course - with the birth itself and the baby care that follows it. x I've just been there - it's worth it all. x Hugs, x Your neighbor from south (California) x Talila
ברוכה הבאה מורן ../images/Emo24.gif

עשית החלטה מעולה ואני מאחלת לך לידה מופלאה ונהדרת בבית


New member
ברוכה הבאה

אחלה מדינה אורגון <דבי מעלה זכרונות עבר מפסטיבל השייקספיר באשלנד....>. ספרי עוד! בת כמה הבת הבכורה? איך היתה הלידה הראשונה שלך? איך הגיב הבעל לרעיון לידת הבית? מאחלת לידה טובה ומעצימה.
first birth

this is my first pregnancy we were very into the safe hospital thing until we started reading and hearing things from around us and realized what the "safe" hospital things were all about the nice thing about portland is that it is VERY pro natural birth and natural child raising there are LOTS of midwives here and although it was VERY expensive and we couldnt afford it the midwife was amaizing and gave us a HUGE discount!!! we pulled all we had and decided this is the way to go. it took my husband a little while when i first mentioned it but at the end he was the one who decided. actually at that stage i wasnt sure if thats what i want to do, mostly due to money issues but he said moran this is something we need to do, for you, for me, but especially for the little one on the way!!! so i will update you on whats going on and how things are looking again thanks for you all this forum has REALLY helped in the past few months even without you knowing it


New member
נשמע אחלה

שוב לא קראתי נכון - טמבלית שכמוני. היה נדמה לי שכתבת שיש לך כבר little girl בבית. תשמעי, יש לי בשורה שתשמח את ליבך (אם כי את כבר בטח יודעת....): התחתנת טוב
בעלך צודק. לידה זאת חוויה שלא עוברים הרבה בחיים (לפחות רוב הנשים) וזה נפלא אם אפשר לעשות אותה מעצימה, אינטימית ופרטית. כיף לשמוע שהפורום עזר לך. אני ממליצה בחום גם על פורום הנקה אם הנקה חשובה לך - כי יש המון מידע שעוזר להצלחה בהנקה.

hey debby encouraging word are ALWAYS helpful i do want to breastfead and i will go to the forum you suggested i will need all the help i can get being far a way from family and friends that can help any way i will keep visiting this forum and update you all on how things are going...
בעל מקסים../images/Emo70.gif

גם ההנחה שהמיילדת עשתה כדי תוכלו ללדת מקסימה בעיני ואומרת שהיא מאמינה בלידרך הזו.
hey zohar

How are you??? so glad to see you in this forum i wonder how much you remember me any way i will keep writting love moran