new update from dana official forum

new update from dana official forum ../images/Emo13.gif

Good evening and welcome all the fans of Dana International to the official forum. As you all know this is the official Dana International forum which means that we are working together with Dana's official office and we get exclusive news and updates. We are not allowed to have personal questions about Dana, or any questions which shows disrespect to Dana. Please beware! Well I'm happy to let you know, you must pay attention to the big news coming and pictures in the forum with the one who is the biggest hip hop musician, and star of all in Israel. Subliminal is releasing these days a new single from upcoming new album called "Alay" which is a duet with no other but Dana International! The song has been released to the Israeli radio Wednesday last week and it seems it's about to hit the charts! Soon a well produced special video clip will be released in the Israeli music channel – 24. Dana International is also working on a new album and hoping to explore different sound, and made some R&B music. As well as working with Subliminal on a few new songs. Well we will keep you up to date. I'm happy to see you here - Hope you all have a great week. Note: The pictures that I publish here are from the new clip and it is exclusive to the forum!