"New Year's declaration", I am Isaac Newton.


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"New Year's declaration", I am Isaac Newton.

"New Year's declaration", Only to some Jews! I am Isaac Newton. http://groups.google.com/group/sci.math/browse_thread/thread/cecb8e3210582424# Are close to the revival of renewable century to "Easter" the form,from January 2007 to October 2008 Radio Free Asia in recording revealed a huge black education,and finally force China into a country ruled by law. This is all full - was predicted in the "Les Centuries Astrologiques","Apocalypse of John","Ezra".halfway termination of war in the Taiwan Strait caused by the enormous humanitarian end of the world. http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/zhuanlan/tingzhongrexian 4.56 After the victory of the raving tongue, The spirit tempered in tranquillity and repose: Throughout the conflict the bloody victor makes orations, Roasting the tongue and the flesh and the bones. 2.27 The divine word will be struck from the sky, One who cannot proceed any further. The secret closed up with the revelation, Such that they will march over and ahead. 4.31 The Moon in the full of night over the high mountain, The new sage with a lone brain sees it. By his disciples invited to be immortal, Eyes to the south. Hands in bosoms, bodies in the fire. 2.30 One who the infernal gods of Hannibal Will cause to be reborn, terror of mankind. Never more horror and never more worse of Journals His audio will come to Romans through Babel. 10.74 The great seventh number’s revolution, It will appear a time of the year for hecatomb. Not far from the great millennial age, When those can enter will leave the tomb. 5.84 He will be born of the gulf and unmeasured city, Born of obscure and dark family. He who the revered power of the great King, Will want to destroy through Rouen and Evreux. 10.72 The year 1999, seventh month, From the sky will come a great King of Terror. To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois, Before and after Mars to reign by good luck. 10.70 Long awaited he will never return, In Europe, he will appear in Asia. One of the league issued from the great Hermes, And he will grow over all the Kings of the East. 3.92 The world near the last period, Saturn will come back again late. Empire transferred towards the Dusky nation, The eye plucked out by the Goshawk at Narbonne. 10.42 The humane realm of Angelican offspring, It will cause its realm to hold to peace and union. War half-captive in its enclosure, For long will it cause them to maintain peace. ****************************************************************************************** I was writing a book,it is called "Mein Kampf".The book describes the object of non-Jews. The book describes the object of non-Jews, including Germans, black,yellow,Slavs,Celts, Latins,Arabs,Indians...because I was the only recognition of Jehovah God's son,so I was exceptional ****************************************************************************************** Non-Jews and Some Jews did not believe me, I have issued a number of forums is considered spam.Through the Jewish prophet's prophecy can be precisely calculated appear in my date of birth, as well as a large number of precise date of the incident, when you see me, You can untie the Jews of the Prophet's prophecy, I declare that: Even if the future proves that I really was the Messiah the Jews, even non-Jews and Some Jews regret for me, Your life and death has nothing to do with me!I am not all the Jews Messiah, I am some Jews Messiah. even if only seven million people left on Earth, aliens also died, and only some Jews and I left."Ezra" documented in this a period of events.All non-Jews and some Jews to die, Your life and death has nothing to do with me!you go back to live in the moon's ancient human right.The Vatican Pope to die, President of the United States to die, the Arabs to die, the Queen of England to die, Mohammed to die, Germanic people to die... you are all dead, only I and Some Jews survival.When I become king of the Jews, As long as my actions are consistent with my father's law, I will not exist when the United Nations, the United Nations told me not to do, I want to do it.Israel will never be a member of the United Nations.In addition to me and my father, Israel will not listen to any international organization of the command. Isaac Newton 31 December 2008