no invasion / regime change in Iran


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no invasion / regime change in Iran

no invasion, or regime change in Iran (just a ``surgical`` operation on Iranian nuclear facilties) An open letter to President Bush. Dear Mr. president; I`d like to write to you as an addition to my open letter to VP Cheney. I understand there is a big argument in washington and in America as of ideas to sloutins to Iraq and the Middle East. Cinse you do deserve the credit to try to raise ``a bold`` plan for the middle east, witch also raises ``bold`` political questions(``the bumps on the way``), weather some people agree or disagre with you - i`d like to commonet on my idea for a solution for Iraq and the midlle east as a whole that will combine both miltary & political; it will combine both Irq study group and yours miltarly (will leave the miltary in iraq for the next president to deside upon the solution)- and will get your ``hands free`` from poltical presure of ideas. and here is my suggestion: A) Milatry stays in Iraq untill next president (after american people will deside in the voting booth - so you can also try to convince them in your approch as well) B) No invasion of Iran, or Regime change, cinse your hands are tied down in Iraq. Also, sinse talks with Iran - are seperated, in the minds of the Iraq Study Group from the Iran`s nuclear weapon. I suggesed - that as on basis of what I have described in the open Letter to VP Cheney (terror activities as a therat to the region stability & and europe - and terror cells in America, the peace process, Lebanon Democrecy etc. - under a nuclear Iranian Umbrella -to portray the fact that they have a nuclear weapon - so nobody will do anything about it, leaving the saudi arebiya, sunni block volneble to terror attacks to distablize them,the the peace process as well) you should conduct a ``surgical`` opretion - on Iran`s nuclear facilies (WITHOUT invading or regime change, leaving the soldiars in iraq on the ground for the next president to decide upon it). C)The purpose of this is, if and when you decide to implement of the Iraq study Group, whitch I understand you some what have agreed (to combine a military and political solution to Iraq - both soldiar continue to stay on the ground untill the next desition of the president elect in 08 - and on the way to find also political solutions, both in Iraq and outside as well). so, the purpose of that, that if you decide to addopt the Iraq study group`s idea as to : ``make Iran part of the solution``, in Iran-Iraq border - and ``the bomb`` will not be there anymore - this will take away the Iranian ``double intrest`` in the Iraq-Iran border- as of they will talk to you - and try to quiet the border -as part of ``draging`` time to get to ``the bomb``, instead of realy talking to you - realy how to solve the voilence in Iraq (and Iraq-iran`s border stabiliy). The only way to take out ``the cheating`` out of talks with Iran, you must take out first ``the bomb`` -and only them maby - try to combine both your miltary way in Iraq and the Iraq Study Group`s political solution as well. In this way, Mr. Baker could have talks on Iran-Iraq border -with his ``hands free`` from suspecting the Iranians cheating him to use the talks to ``drag`` time to get to the ``bomb`` - they will remain WITHOUT the ``bomb`` as a weapon to portray the fact that they have a ``bomb`` in order to use it as a tool to distablize the region by ``terror under a nuclear umbrella``. this will make your hand free to conduct your policy, WITHOUT suspecting that electeble factors come to congress or else, weather consiously or unconsiously (as it shouldn`t be, this is a very very serious issue to be considerd) I hope you operate soon on this issue as soon as possible, this is regads the whole region`s future stabilty- wich you can help - together with the congress and the Iraq Study Group) ThanX, Shirlytwo and Israelis on the political forums.