New member
OMG, everyone, read this!
I just got back from my Christmas vacation! omg, people, it was awesome. Santa was really good to me. first of all CHRISTMAS ROCKS!
ok, now what Santa brought me... I was invited to one of my online friends from the old Herc and Xena boards... so, first of all, she has like a whole freaking Xena and Herc museum at her house. a whole room dedicated to teh shows. and people, she has eVERYTHING! she bought just about anything and everything related to teh show. I´m not joking. of the more unique stuff, she has an original Gabby staff, one of the copies from the set, the two Chakrams, from NZ, and Xena´s sword, from creation, identical to the original, very heavy, btw.... the whole room is decorated with autographed photos... of EVERYONE!!!
she has every little thing, starting from dolls, jewerly, mags, mugs, EVERTHING!!! and - she bought original props from the sets. she has Derrik´s gauntlet´s (the centaur who was LL´s character´s lover and husband in two Herc eps, so Lucy touched it. you can actually see an imprint of her lips there. and she also has the periest´s hat from "sacrifice". now, she gave me an ORIGINAL PROP> a nice leather shall that villager boys wore in many eps... ahhhhh, something that was in the Xena and Herc set....
and she also gave me the Xena trilogy on DVD
and we watched teh Pasadena thngie from last year together!
I had a FUN Christmas!!