oops, double post


New member
Thank you

You are right that it is a personal thing. Personally, i love the U.S. and I wouldn't even consider leaving if it weren't for my whole family being up there (and now my parents going up there). I am not a very religious person, in fact i have been struggling with my faith of late. My parents are hoping that me being in Israel will help me with that. I can probably relate to your brother, as i too went through many similar things. I haven't had to deal with much antisemitism but i think that's mostly because i don't really put myself out there as being a jew. I also don't go to temple and really don't do anything that would even qualify me as a jew. I'm only jewish because i was born that way, it seems. About the school, i didn't mean that i want to go to an easy college. One of the reasons why i left school, was i felt that i was wasting my time and not learning anything. If i am not going to learn, there is no point in even going to school. I was just worried about my hebrew and how i would get along since i can't read and write on a college level. Anyway, thank you so much for your thoughts. I really just wanted to hear peoples opinions and experiences. I'm still deciding but I'm pretty sure i'm going to go to Israel and see how i like it before i make the decision to live there indefinitely.


New member
Your Hebrew is good enough

Well, you are not the first student with bad Hebrew. If fact, the Hebrew that you know is much better then the Hebrew of most of the Olim Student, which know no Hebrew at all, and they get along. There are special programs for them, I am not sure you will need these programs, but they are there I’ve gathered some pointers to academic institutes in Israel, with some pointers for Olim. Hope you will make the right decision. If you need to study something, I would suggest studying engineering, as there is always a need for Engineers in Israel. Universities in Israel (Hebrew page) http://www.portan.co.il/edu/UNIV.asp The Hebrew University of Jerusalem http://www.huji.ac.il/ Overseas Student Admissions, Application Information http://overseas.huji.ac.il/adm_proc.php Tel Aviv University http://www.tau.ac.il/ El Aviv University - Students Welfare and Olim Center (it is a .doc file) http://www.tau.ac.il/admissions/documents/2005/dean.doc#swoc Technion – The Israeli Institute of Technology (mainly Engineering) http://www.technion.ac.il/ Technion - Registration & Admission Center http://ug.technion.ac.il/admissions/atareng/atareng_index.html Visiting Students opportunities http://www.technion.ac.il/technion/studies/exchange/ Ben-Gurion University of the Negev http://www.bgu.ac.il/index.php Admission http://www.bgu.ac.il/academic_information/ If you need more information or you need an access point, please do not hesitate to contact me. Teddy SafeHaven


New member
which post

the one about "considering an aliyah" i posted it twice. one got a few responses and the other one did not. if you can delete the other one, that would be great. If not, it's okay though, it doesn't really matter now. thanks.


New member
oops, double post

for some reason, my message got posted twice. is there any way i can erase one of them?


New member
thank you teddy

thanks so much for all of that information. I am hoping to study either psychology or writing or maybe both. I was a psychology major back when i was in school but i consider myself a writer as it is my passion and i've been told by many that i have a great talent for it. I will look at the links you provided for me and will get back to you if i have any more questions. Thank you again for all your help. ~malli