Just got back from a week of flying in far southeastern Oregon, one of the most desolate parts of the lower 48. We had rain, snow, hail, wind and sun, and some unforgettable flying. Here are a couple pics from the Owyhee River area. In the one shot I'm entering a slalom course of rocks in Leslie Gulch. Some places are so narrow that two PPCs couldn't pass each other without touching the walls. I was too busy flying to get pictures of the narrow spots. Awesome. The other pic is along the river where there are plenty of landing spots. 8 machines and 11 people were along for various parts of the trip, and 5 of Q
Just got back from a week of flying in far southeastern Oregon, one of the most desolate parts of the lower 48. We had rain, snow, hail, wind and sun, and some unforgettable flying. Here are a couple pics from the Owyhee River area. In the one shot I'm entering a slalom course of rocks in Leslie Gulch. Some places are so narrow that two PPCs couldn't pass each other without touching the walls. I was too busy flying to get pictures of the narrow spots. Awesome. The other pic is along the river where there are plenty of landing spots. 8 machines and 11 people were along for various parts of the trip, and 5 of Q