Origami Article in New York Times


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Origami Article in New York Times

Hi Everyone! An interesting article appeared about origami in yesterday's New York Times, of December 25th, focussing on the art of origami rather than on the engineering. It quotes various people including Michael LaFosse, Vincent Floderer, Dave Brill, and a certain Paul Jackson. It can be viewed for free on line, but you need to register to access the NYT archives. The direct link to the page is below (I hope), or do a 'Google' search for the NYT and follow the instructions to register. It's nice to have the art of origami given publicity, but a pity it was published on Christmas Day, when probably not too many people would buy or read a newspaper. Paul Jackson


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Ooops! Link to NY Times Article

One of these days I'll figure out how to embed a link in a message, but for now, here's the NY Times link to Copy and Paste. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/25/arts/design/25orig.html?oref=regi Paul


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