orthodox conversion


New member
picture on certificate?

Hi nertamid, My first impulse was to run out and have a pic taken, change the design of the Rabbi's certificate (no space for pictures, of course) and THEN write to the OU guys on how to obtain a hekhsher for myself. I might learn more (I hope so1), not sure, I'm in a pretty observant community and this rabbi starts from the beginning again which is booooooring. Thanks, that's about what I expected - bearsheva


New member
orthodox conversion

I converted conservative a couple of years ago in the US and I am now planning an orthodox conversion. However, I would like to convert with a Beit Din that's recognized in Israel since I am also contemplating aliyah and want to make sure that I'd be registered as a Jew in Israel and preferrably, I'd like to take care of this before my arrival. I also heard that there is a 1 year waiting period before you can be registered as a Jew after the conversion abroad. The orthodox conversion itself is not the problem--I am pretty observant--but how do I find out if 'my' Beit Din is on the supposedly existing list of recognized rabbis? Oh, I live in NYC. Thanks and ANY help is greatly appreciated! bearsheva