Pre Worlds - Day 1

David Gerby

New member
Pre Worlds - Day 1

Hi I think now one can describe better then Davis what's going on here. Davis flies the Litespeed S here after the Climax in the last comp. All I have to do is to complete the picture of what's going with Israel team. So Ilan still hasn't "connected" with the glider and he still thinks he flies too fast in thermals and has to high side too much. So he had a late start on a weak day and left alone in the paddock. He landed after 30 km. Our Italian passanger made it 26 km short of goal which was 162 km. We also have Steve moyes to retrieve but we don't have any problems with him - we just go to goal and he is there. Today Craig took Ilan's glider for a test and a tune and moved one hole backwards. The clouds were beautiful and the sky slowly filled with small cu. and then bigger. The task was straight line south 232 km !! After all the gliders left there were few thunderstorms and the safety committee decided to cancel the task. Ilan and Angelo landed near town and as they finished folding their gliders it has started raining. Tomorrow we are expecting a big day (but not too big) with a task south BTW, In ones of the prices in the morning breifings Ilan won a free massage right in time |碣胙艚

חגי זיו

New member
Please - try better with your

English. I cant understand what U say Who is the Italian membre/passenger? Why Ilan take off last????

David Gerby

New member
I'll try harder

But I wasn't so succesfull at school and I don't have a dictionary here. but you should read all of my reports to be updated, because I know it's sometimes hard for you to understand. The Italian passanger is the Metamorfosi manufacturer - Angelo, he is our "Yohanan" and sometimes we even call him like that. Ilan took off late because everybody were ready for such a long task and were standing in line to the aero tow even before they called the task. Ilan preffered to stay in the shade. I couln'd help him much also because Moyes asked all the drivers to help bringing the dolies back - so he was almost alone Today it looks like the wind is too strong although it's a clear sky. They decided to have another breifing at 12.00 then the safety committee will decide if to cancel the day or not