Pre worlds days 2 and 3

David Gerby

New member
Pre worlds days 2 and 3

First I'm happy to see that the forum brings some interest from outside and maybe will bring some more pilots to our small cummunity. Hagai - you also have mistakes and no one cares, take for example "you wright" - while you should write "right", but as I said no one cares. About the "hatayot" in Hebrew - it's really unforgiven and a very common problem To the point: There was a task of 182 km after Ilan's glider was tuned by Kraig Coomber - Ilan felt much better and you could even see it from the first second of towing. He was flying 30 minutes ahead of the leaders gugle and might have got a very good score (maybe even within the first 10) unless he felt just too good to leave his last thermal that was a zero at 600 meters 8 km before goal and to land first or second at the goal. He had to cross a small forest and he couldn't say if he's gonna make it (he doesn't use final glide computer) so he turned back and landed 4 km short. At the beginning I thought he is joking me since he had such a fast time and I was so happy he is going to make a personal best record. Only as I got there I started to believe when he gave me his cordinates while I see 30 gliders gliding fast above my head and landing in the goal. Angelo who was an hour late and almost landed four times made it to goal. Steve was also there of course. Yesterday the task was unbelivable - 242 km with No comulus but only cirrus clouds, inversion at 1700m and 32 degrees on the ground. 37 made it but Ilan landed 176 km short probably because he distracted by an eagle that flew close to him. Angelo landed 7 km short and Steve of course... made it. It is really not a good deal to take such a good pilots with us - since then we come back home not before 23 oclock. Yesterday it was 00.30. Today looked promissing until a strong gust came and flipped few gliders. The troff was heading towards us and the wind became stronger so after they sent a tag up the saftey committee decided to cancell the day. If you want a closer look at the results you can try Moyes website |碣胙艚|

ג ל נ ט י

New member
אילן המפציץ הקטן החמקן

dolly in English is also a doll (Buba), so I wanted to see this picture :) Good luck champions, I'm sure you can get to the goal first, at least once...

חגי זיו

New member
Its a shame he doesnt use final

glide ... why not? it should be very basic tool for every one who competes I hope he wont get depressed and show his real ability in the coming days

David Gerby

New member
Pre worlds day 4

We just came back from a short task, only 137 km. Yesterday the day has cancelled and today there were many pilots complaining about cancelling the task so early (about 14.00). So today the wind was as strong as yesterday and they decided to call a short task and wait till the wind gets weaker. They decided to open the first start gate at 16.00 and set a task strait line to east - Narrandera. Ilan has decided not to fly, so as few more pilots. There were quite a big clouds towards east and those who took the early gates made it to goal - 7 pilots only. Bret made it fastest and won the day and the competition. I still don't know who is second and third, and what is Ilan's total rank. For sure last year was much better for him during the same competitions. So this was the last day at the pre worlds and it looks we will leave Hay tomorrow until next year. We are facing 5 hours driving south towards Mt. Beauty where the 3'rd competition runs - the Bogong cup which is finally a mountain launch competition, and expecting better for Ilan there. We are really started to miss friends and Israel, especially the food. Our phone numbers haven't changed, in case you forgot and want to talk to us - David 0061-4-27789995, Ilan - 0061-4-27789994, 051-237841 Just remember - 9 hours forward, (and for the hard math - call between 00.00-14.00 Israel time) Yours David