Questions about Aliyah


New member
Questions about Aliyah

What does a 25 years old guy who holds bachelor degree, from the United States, can get if he makes Aliyah? does he get thrown straight to the deep water? Would love to hear about the procedure of Aliyah. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!


New member

What did you study? What languages do you control other than English? Do you have any work experience? that's what would make the difference for you when you'd start looking for a job in Israel. If you'd need assitance when you arrive (in case you'll make aliyah eventually) feel free to send me your cv and i'll try and help you find a good job, (-AT- = @) GOOD Luck!


New member
sorry for the confusion -

I was talking about my boyfriend. he learned Sociology and science in the UF and recieved honor roll and the degree Bachelor of science. He works in the ISraeli consulate and i just wanted to know whether he will get help in accomodation and finding a job if he makes aliyah. he speaks English but has the basis of Hebrew, he learned it in Jewish Day School and also took a classes in the university. He understands Hebrew and can speak a little but not fluently. Also i wanted to know - in case he would like to do Master degree - will he get help with it? Thank you very much for your answers.


New member

Since he's working at the Israeli consulate and speaks English as a native tongue there might be chance for him to work for the state, and various other places. The bottom line is the honestly, you can never really know what kind of a job you'd get, sometimes you can find some good, and other times you may find something amazing more or less.... from what you wrote about your boyfriend, i am gonna "guess" he might have a good chance at finding something decent, But there are no gurantees, i have met a lot of people who made aliyah and speak english as a mother tongue and have a lot to offer ("older" + "younger") and sometimes it can be very hard to find a good job. ....that's pretty much as i see it.