reading the various

../images/Emo45.gif as long as everyone's happy!

It is true that Israel is a small, isolated country and ppl here feel that they have to "go out to the world, experince other way of life" etc. etc. During the last few years, however, one can definitly see the change in ppl's opinion and wish to stay and live here (that has to do with the security situation as well as the economical one). By ppl I am refering to middle class, secular Israelis, usually aged 20-45 y/a. Another indication for me that this phenomanon exsists is the number of friends and family members who openly discuss the possibility and implications of bulding a future outside of Israel. The ever increasingly numbers of reports about it in the media and the very often questions posted in various on-line forums shows that ppl are no longer affriad of immirgating from here and trying it some where else. Here, again, I feel the difference between someone who grew up in the Gola and wishes to live amongst jewish ppl and therefore makes Aliya, and someone who grew up in Israel and never felt as if he is a part of a minority. Or maybe I am wrong? Why do ppl make Aliya?
I am not Latvian :)

nor am I trying to get a Latvian passport... (I am very happy with the two I already have:)))) This was just an example for the way some ppl try to find legal ways to immigrate.. with the new EU regulations and now that the eastren European states are members of the EU, many Israelis who's families originate from this countries, try to find a way to become their citizens :)) Good luck to you and your family, I really hope you'de like it here!!! All the best!
Wow - and I thought

,that only Israelis are THAT suspicious, thinking that THEY know best...Good G-d! I don't appreciate your insinuations, Jill, re my motives to write here and my identity. I hope that one day you'll understand that in this world there are many ppl, with many many different backrounds, views, opinions and dreams. My own experience, my stand in life and my plans for the future brought me to the conclusion that allthough I was born in Isral and grew up here, I could built a better life for myself in a defferent country. is that so hard for you to accept?? I am happy for every Oleh that chooces to make Israel his/her home. At the same token, I believe in "live and let live". I wish you would. I truly wish you all the best, where ever you are
Dear Benny

I wouldn't mind going into this discussion - I enjoy listing to other people's opinion and as I wrote earlier - reading the some of the messeges here was enlightening indeed:) Most ppl I know express a wish to move out of Israel , it is refreshing to see that there are others who see Israel as a desired home. I feel however, that my opinions will not be wellcome here, in a forum that tries to encourge ppl in their first step toward becoming Olim Chadashim in Israel. I can understand that, I hope you can as well.
reading the various

messeges has been very enlightening ... thank you all :) All I wanted was to see whether I could post an add here re selling my flat in Jerusalem. I am a Zabara, about to move to London because i had enough of living here. I am not the only one who feels that why as so many Israelis are trying to get a foriegn passport so they can immigrate from here. Therefore it is interesting for me to hear about ppl who really wish and hope to come and live here, where as so many of us, Israelis are "dying" to get out of here :))) I really wish you all the best and success in making Aliya. BTW odelia - where could I post such an ad?


New member
Hello to the London girl../images/Emo82.gif

Well, you could try one of the other forums like ישראלים בחו"ל . you could write the details here on one of the messages, but i am not sure that it is the best place for it. why are you selling? don't you want to rent it first???
Hi Odelial, thanks for

the warm welcome to forum, :) I am a British citizen and moveing to London (where I still have family) will be for me a sort of "coming back home".... I am not naive, as I have the experience of living in the "GOLA", being a part of a jewish minority, in a city where it's muslam population is only incrising. That means that I am aware to the possibility of having to return BACK to Israel in few years time, because of that. I don't think that the European goverments fully understand the proccess Europre is going through re the its musalm population. And if they do, it seems to me that they don't know how to handle it. I am selling my flat here bcs I won't be able to take care of it while I am in London. I know most of the "Israelis Abrood" forums, and the last thing ppl there are interesed in is bying a flat in Israel :))))))) The most FAQ there is usually: "if my grandfather was born in Latvia, how can I get a Latvian passport, so I can move to the EU..."? But Odelial - you live in Israel, don't you?


New member

Yes, I live in Israel, In Jerusalem. I understand your decision, especially now during a very hot august. I suggest two things: First, make a list of all the rights you didn't use, than go to "Misrad Haklita" and find out how many of them will be "Frozen" until your return (you see I am forever optimistic). It is important because it could be a lot of money. Second; if you really think that there is a possibility that you will come back home (Israel), than please reconsider selling your property. In Israel, an apartment is so expensive and the one asset that keeps your money's value. Find a friend or a lawyer and rent it. Where is it? How many rooms? Are you still paying mortgage? When did you buy it. I am asking all that because next time you will want to buy an apartment in Israel, it will cost you much more because you will not be Olah Hadasha any more. Any way, I wish you all the best and I am soory for every Oleh that chooses to leave, but at least you know that you always have a home here.