Red eyes


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Red eyes

My husband suffers from permanent red eyes accompanied sometimes by "burning" feeling. He checked his eyes several times but the doctors havent found any problem. It could not be allergy because he has it All the time for the last few years and in different places (in Israel and outside). What could be the explanation for this ? I red about the Brighteye flower and its healing potential for troubled eyes, do you recommend using it regularly ? (it is sold by vitamin companies like Solgar) Thank you, i can read Hebrew
red eyes

Thanks for your question, There is always a cause for a red eye, even if the problem is a subtle one. It is difficult for me to answer you specifically without a clinical examination but it could be that yout husband has a mild blepharitis (inflammation of the lids and lash margin) which can cause chronic irritation and redness. There is a solution but it requires a doctor's prescription. As regards the "Brighteye Flower" - It is not a conventional form of treatment so I cannot recommend or warn against it's use. regards