returning to live in israel


New member
returning to live in israel

Well, I'm 16, I lived in israel for 8 and a half years, I know hebrew, and would like to return to live Israel, after finishing high school. All of our family there, so I should be fine to return if I want to return on my own, theoretically. My biggest problem is tellign my parents I want to do it on my own. Thing is, most people here go back through tzofim, I dont want to because of some people that are on that are trip, is there another way to go back, with a clear plan? That way I can say to my parents exactly Im going to Israel, doing this and that, and I would not want to live with my family there, as much as I love them, wouldnt be a godo idea. (my immediate family in the states, the rest and ALL are in Israel) I would be ola chozeret.


New member
and the army.

Im ready to do it, garin, I think, I jsut need informaiton exactly to do all this. Or I could just ask my friends for everything though they dont know how to exactly come back almost on your own =S