rights for buying an apt


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rights for buying an apt

Hi. I was wondering if any of you can help me. I made aliyah in the latter part of the summer of 1996. I recently got married and we are trying to find out if our rights for a mashkanta still exist. I recall the rights being good for 7 years, the question is whether it is 7 full years (1 day less than 8) or until day one of year 7. Also does anyone know what the zechuyot are for a maskantah and is there a way of extending the deadline. Thank a million Rob


New member
Hi Rob../images/Emo82.gif

Hi If you made aliyah after sep 1989 than you are entitle to buy an apartment for 10 or 15 years as an Oleh. If you made aliyah in 1996 than it is probably 15 years. Today, though, there is no more an element of a grant in the "mashkanta" – only a loan. Go to any "mashkanta" clerk and they will explain in detail. You can also get some good advise at the AAci. Good luck