Salamanca Aug 5th - lazy stories


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Salamanca Aug 5th - lazy stories

The Aug 5th show in Salamanca was my least favorite show in the tour. it´s not that it was bad or anything , but i just wasnt feeling well and I couldn´t get into the show. I had a really bad stomach ache just before the show so I missed the 1st song , and I didn´t enjoy too much the rest of the show as well. but a lot of people told me it was a great gig , maybe the best gig so far for them. the venue in Salamanca is not only small , it´s actually really tiny. the sound was pretty good ,but i think the sound in SS was a bit better. the whole band was , yet again , in a good mood. The setlist was pretty good as well. But it didn´t include too many suprises , except for ¨The Bends¨ which was definitely the best moment of the show , and ¨Knives Out¨ which was OK too. I was standing on the 8th row right in front of Jonny. I had a great view of the band from there. but still I enjoyed the other show more than this show. The crowd was really good too. Most of the people stood up and a lot of people were standing on the stairs in front of the stage. I was happy to see this crowd which was definitely a better crowd than the one in SS. but of course it was also the venue , not just the crowd. oh , and Jonny smiled at lidia , one of the Croatian girls who i´ve met. at least that´s what she said , so I guess i believe her... there were also quite a lot of jokes and stuff, incl. Thom who got back from back stage to hurry Jonny during Everything in its right place. but after 8 gigs I need a bit more. yaron ******************************************** Salamanca Aug 6th ok , this was , for sure , the best gig on the tour for me , until now. I hope Radiohead can do even a better show tonight. Again , the same venue , the same crowd , the same band , as yesterday. but the show was so much better. And I didn´t have any health problem this time... I was standing almost exactly where I stood at the first show. Just in front of Jonny in the 9th row. The show started with the regular new songs yet again. but when they debut ¨Wicked Child¨ I knew this isn´t going to be just another Radiohead show... This song is so cool. Jonny started with ¨There There¨ drums and then moved to Harmonica, which was really cool and made this song quite special. After this Thom said his usual joke something like ¨we will play some new songs , then some old songs and then mmm go shopping...¨. But the best joke was before "In Limbo" where Thom said ¨Now you can see Ed like this¨ cos Ed was with his back to the crowd , and Ed started to shake his ass. really funny.. I was also happy to hear that Lucky got back to the setlist. Thom introcuded lucky as something they wrote during a tour or something like this. Lift was very cool as well. I was also happy to hear FPT and MIL. They are both really good. And its really cool to see Jonny while he´s playing them , he seems like a different person. 2 + 2 =5 was played in the 1st encore, and I think I´m starting to like this song more and more. it´s really a great song. the 2nd encore started with Paranoid Android , even though someone told me the setlist listed ¨Where I end and you begin¨. I guess they couldn´t do a gig without ¨Paranoid Android¨. not yet at least. the 2nd encore ended up with "The tourist" which was really great version. I almost started crying. it was so damn good. it was dedicated to their tour manager Tim who´s going to leave them. this was definitely the best part of the show for me. so i wonder what they are going to play today. hopefully they can do even a better show. Yaron​


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last salamanca show

This was my 19th Radiohead show , and definitely the best one. and not only the best Radiohead show , but the best show ever. The show was fantastic with all the unreleased song that were played. There is no much point that I will describe the show. just check the setlist and see for yourself. And get yourself a bootleg too , and get ready to listen to the most amazing show ever. I was in standing in the 1st row this time , just in front of Jonny. I was happy I made the decision to try and be on a front row on that night. this made the show even more special for me. I had to flight with quite a lot of people and the security guy to get my place , but it was well worth it. I was so close to Jonny and not too far from Thom as well. When Radiohead played ¨Just¨ as the first "old" song I knew it´s going to be a special song , but i still didn´t know how special it´s going to be. I was just hoping for 1 or 2 special songs in the encore , but i got much more than that. This show alone was worth all the money I spent (and I spent quite a lot to go to this tour...) and I even got 10 bonus shows. So , I really had great time on this tour. I hope I can do it again , even though I am not sure. I will probably be working and studying... Yaron​

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